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Want to Help? Join Me in Washington, D.C. | Boating Industry

Want to Help? Join Me in Washington, D.C. | Boating Industry

By Bill Yeargin

If you lead an organization in the boating industry, we need your help. Please plan to join me and other industry leaders May 8-10 at the American Boating Congress (ABC) in Washington. D.C. There may be no better way you can help your company or industry.

During ABC, we will be discussing issues that threaten the very existence of our industry, everything from speed restrictions in the Atlantic to boating rules on local lakes. We will hear speakers discuss how we can protect public waters and boating access nationwide. We will also discuss how we can keep the U.S. marine industry globally competitive, improve and expand recreation infrastructure, and continue to drive innovation and sustainability in our industry.

Maybe the most important part of ABC will be our trips to Capitol Hill on Thursday, May 9, for meetings with Senators and Representatives. When a business leader is willing to visit Washington, D.C., and meet with their representatives, it carries tremendous weight. Senators and Representatives give much more credence to business folks than they do lobbyists; your presence in these meetings can have a significant impact – and it’s super easy. The NMMA team will set up Capitol Hill appointments for you, connect you with others from your state to join you on your visit, and give you all the information and tips needed for a successful meeting.

ABC will begin on Wednesday, May 8, with a Welcome Lunch followed by speakers and panels discussing critical issues. That evening, there will be a BoatPAC reception at District Winery; it will be a fun event. Thursday will be exciting as we visit Capitol Hill to present our industry’s priorities and close the evening with cocktails, dinner, and a keynote. We will have a wrap-up breakfast on Friday morning, the 10th, before closing the conference.

Over my career, I have visited many senators and members of Congress on Capitol Hill. Leaders from the boating industry are always welcomed graciously, and I have seen firsthand how impactful the meetings can be. Many boating industry leaders will be in Washington May 8-10 for ABC. Will you join us?

Bill Yeargin is President and CEO of Correct Craft. He also serves as board Chair of the National Marine Manufacutrers Association (NMMA).


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