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Getting Your Kids To Enjoy Kayak Bass Fishing 

Getting Your Kids To Enjoy Kayak Bass Fishing 

Getting Your Kids To Enjoy Kayak Bass Fishing

Kayak bass fishing is booming in the US as a survey reveals that over 38 million people went on kayak fishing trips in 2019, and this number has been steadily increasing every year. Since kayak bass fishing is a low maintenance hobby and only needs a minimal initial investment, some parents have found it to be a perfect activity to do with their children. Nowadays, a lot of experienced kayakers are already taking their kids with them on kayaking trips since it’s a low-impact sport that can increase their life skills. Add bass fishing to the mix, and you’ve got one exciting and fulfilling activity that your child will love for the rest of their life. Here’s how to get your little one engaged in kayak bass fishing, and ensure that they have a great time while they’re out on the water.

Make Sure that Your Child Feels at Ease on the Water

Before investing in fishing equipment, it’s important to make sure that your child feels at ease while you’re on the water. Ideally, they should know how to swim before learning how to kayak or fish, so consider enrolling them in swimming lessons. If you have a pool, you can also teach them to swim at home. Knowing how to swim well will give them the confidence to go out on the water with you, and they won’t have to worry about what to do if the kayak tips over or if they fall in.

Once they’ve mastered swimming, it’s time to get them accustomed to riding in a kayak. For their first time, it’s recommended that they ride in a tandem kayak with an adult. Choose one with lots of room to move and maneuver, and if you’ve got a young child, make sure that their seat is facing you so you’ll know if they’re feeling scared, tired, or seasick.

After a few kayak bass fishing sessions, your little one may tell you that they’re ready to kayak on their own. But unless your child is at least 12 years old, continue to do tandem kayak bass fishing, just to be on the safe side. Once they’re at the right age and their skills have improved enough to go kayak fishing on their own, consider getting a solo inflatable kayak. Look for one that is stable, has lots of leg room and storage, and proper lumbar support.

Go Kayak Bass Fishing in Calm Waters

Instead of heading to the ocean to catch saltwater bass, start off by taking your child with you to fish in calm waters, such as a lake. There, you can catch largemouth or smallmouth bass, rock bass, and even other types of fish such as trout or perch. Kayak bass fishing in a lake also reduces the chances of your child getting seasick, so they’ll enjoy the activity more. If you need a change of scenery though, a bay can also be a good spot for kayak bass fishing with kids. Bays are relatively shallow and are much more calm than seas or oceans.

Allow Them to Fully Engage 

It’s tempting to do everything for your child once they’re in the kayak with you. However, this takes most of the fun (and the learning opportunities) away from the whole experience, so allow your child to help you paddle the kayak. They should also have their own fishing rod, and remind them that they are responsible for it. Your child can also be tasked to help you pack and clean your fishing gear once your kayak bass fishing trip is done.

Kayak bass fishing with a child is more about the experience than actually catching lots of fish, so be patient and celebrate small victories. As your child grows, they’ll learn to love this activity even more, and they’ll look forward to joining you each and every time you head out to the water.

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