What is a Ferro rod used for? 4 steps in lighting a fire

What is a Ferro rod used for? 4 steps in lighting a fire

Creating sparks with a ferro rod fire starter

Sure, you’ve heard of a firesteel or Ferro rod, but do you know how to actually use it? This blog post will provide all the information you need to get started. From sparking a campfire to using it as an emergency tool, there are so many ways to use this tool that you might not have thought of! So don’t wait any longer — let’s find out all the exciting ways we can utilize this handy tool.

Introduction to Ferro Rods

Ferro rods are lightweight and reliable fire starters used in outdoor recreation, wilderness survival, and emergency preparedness. These rods are made from ferrocerium, a ferrous alloy often referred to as “flint”. The main component of ferrocerium is iron, hence the name “Ferro Rod”. They are ideal survival fire kits for outdoor adventurers because they are easy to use, require no fuel or batteries, create a spark even under harsh weather conditions, and require no special aptitude or knowledge.

Different Types of Ferro Rods

Ferro rods are made from alloyed metals — typically iron and cerium — and come in two shapes: round and hexagonal. Round models have three distinct grooves, allowing them to be held with pliers while preventing the end of the rod from becoming too hot to handle with bare hands. On the other hand, hexagonal rods are designed to be grasped easily with just one hand.

Different types of ferro rod fire starters

The types of Ferro rods differ in terms of composition, durability, heat output, and size; however, they all serve the same purpose: providing fire-starting capabilities anytime, anywhere. The most popular models are magnesium-based due to their high burning temperature and reliability as well as their low cost compared to titanium or stainless steel versions. These metal options range in size from 1/8” thick up to 1/4” thick and come in several lengths up to 18” long for larger tasks such as starting bonfires or campfires.

How to Use it?

Using a Ferro rod is easy:

  1. Gather your materials. You will need paper, tinder, and kindling in addition to the Ferro rod and striker.
  2. Grasp the handle of the rod firmly with your dominant hand and place it on any flat surface such as on a rock in your campsite or on the ground near where you want to start your fire. Place the striker onto the top of the Ferro rod with your other hand so that it is perpendicular to it. Make sure that both textures — the rougher surface of the striker and the metal of the rod — are touching each other. This ensures that you get strong sparks when striking down on it with force.
  3. While keeping pressure firmly against both surfaces, strike downwards making sure you keep them flush against each other through each stroke — this gets stronger sparks from repeated pressure against each surface and ensures that you won’t lose them as quickly as you would if they weren’t flush against each other. Keep up this steady rhythm until enough sparks have been generated for starting your fire.
  4. Once enough sparks have been created, move onto tinder material such as dry grass, leaves, or paper bundles by cupping one hand around the pile while striking downward into it with light strokes at each spark point created earlier — this will increase oxygen flow which will help enhance combustion to get a flame going sooner rather than later. Alternatively using some kindling (small sticks) cut down in size so they can fit into one hand can be struck directly over where the sparks landed earlier again helping to increase oxygen intake which would then lead to stronger combustion due to increased wood mass fuel source and complete combustion once the flame has caught. Once the flame has caught successfully – gradually increase the wood stick size over time until the desired scale of fire is achieved!

Safety Tips

When utilizing a Ferro rod for survival fire making it’s important to use common sense and practice safety precautions. It’s also essential to keep your Ferro rod stored away from children and in a waterproof container. Here are some safety tips for using a Ferro rod:

  • Ensure you’re in a clear area without any low-hanging branches or dry vegetation that could start on fire from the spark.
  • Don’t aim the sparks directly at yourself or others.
  • Be mindful of any wax content on the rod as that can splatter when heated up so it’s best to use your free hand to shield your face and eyes when striking the rod.
  • A glove may be necessary if you have sensitive skin that can irritate easily with hot sparks.
  • Have something around such as sand, dirt, or water nearby just in case something does ignite and needs to be smothered quickly before catching more flammable items on fire like leaves and pine needles nearby.

Common Uses of a Ferro Rod

Commonly, these rods are paired with depth gauges and 6-8” axle shafts to create a durable club-like fire starter that can be easily stored in kits or purses for backcountry adventures. They may also come packaged with an array of accessories such as:

  • larger stones
  • special strikers

that help secure the grip and generate more sparks during use.

In addition to emergency situations, Ferro rods are also commonly used in campfire pits and backyard fire pits for the purpose of starting fires without having to access expensive fuels like propane. This makes them ideal substitutes for many applications including:

  • grilling
  • camping trips
  • beach bonfires
  • home fireplaces
  • chimney fires

Furthermore, they are relatively inexpensive compared to other alternatives such as propane lighters or matches making them a great option for regular use in any setting — both indoors or out!


In conclusion, a Ferro rod is an incredibly useful fire-starting tool for outdoor activities such as camping, backpacking, and even in emergency situations. It is capable of providing plenty of sparks to ignite tinder and large logs alike, as well as maintaining a healthy burn rate. While there are other ways to start a fire, having a Ferro rod in your kit is extremely beneficial and may save you time and energy when out in the wild.

Therefore, if you are an outdoorsman or woman looking to secure yourself a good fire-starting tool, then the Ferro rod is certainly worth considering.

Source: https://bassanglermag.com/what-is-a-ferro-rod-used-for-4-steps-in-lighting-a-fire/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-a-ferro-rod-used-for-4-steps-in-lighting-a-fire

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