P1 AquaX Celebrity Race Delivers A Monster ‘Beating’ To Miller

It’s been almost a week since Tyler Miller, the owner and throttleman of the Class 1 Monster Energy/M CON Class 1 team, competed in his first P1 AquaX personal watercraft race, and his legs are still sore. Along with Monster Energy-backed professional athletes Carry Curry, an off-road rider, BMX rider Ben Wallace, bull rider Chase Outlaw, off-road racer Dustin Jones and freestyle motocross rider Keith Sayers, Miller tackled two heats of competition at last Saturday’s P1 AquaX event in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Always game to try something different, offshore racer Tyler Miller went personal watercraft racing last weekend in the waters off Daytona Beach. Photos courtesy Monster Energy/ M CON and Powerboat P1
“It was an epic time but I have newfound respect for the guys who race AquaX,” he said. “Those guys are machines. My upper body is fine, but I’d say my legs are about 60 percent back. On Sunday, I could barely move my legs. That lasted until Tuesday.
“But Lindsey and I had a blast meeting all the athletes in the Monster family,’ he added. “They’re all truly genuine people.”

Heading to Marathon for a Race World Offshore Super Cat-class contest this weekend, Tyler and Lindsey Miller enjoyed their entire experience last weekend in Daytona Beach.
Because Miller competes in Class 1 and Super Cat-class offshore racing, he explained, his fellow competitors—none of whom had ever ridden personal watercraft—would have an advantage reading the water. But then a 2,100-hp 43-foot Class 1 catamaran is a different animal than a 300-hp Yamaha WaveRunner.
“With the Class 1 or Super Cat boat, I am looking hundreds of yards ahead at the water,” he said, then laughed. “With a personal watercraft, you’re looking more like eight to 10 feet ahead.”

A multi-time Super Cat-class world and national champion, Miller can handle the spotlight.
Miller, who will compete this Sunday in Super Cat class this Sunday at the Race World Offshore 7 Mile Offshore Grand Prix in Marathon, Fla., said that a rough Super Cat race delivers a harder beating than what he experience in Daytona Beach last weekend. But a Class 1 race delivers less of a thrashing than an AquaX heat.
“With Super Cat, you get more of a full body shock,” he observed. “With AquaX, you get arm pump and your legs work really hard.’

Near the end of the second heat, Miller took a tumble.
Dustin Jones won both heats. In heat No. 2, Miller said he was “running about fifth” and wanted to improve his position. So he pinned the throttle and tried to hang on.
A few moments later, he was in the water.

Said Miller, “I have newfound respect for the guys who race AquaX. Those guys are machines.”
“But what a blast,” he said. “It’s a full body workout. Just when I was riding motocross, you had to remind yourself to breathe.”
He paused to chuckle.
“We learned after the races that Jones had been practicing for about two weeks,” he said.

The Monster Energy athlete roster for the Celebrity AquaX competition was impressive.
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