How Mercury Bass Pros Maximizing Their Offseason

How Mercury Bass Pros Maximizing Their Offseason
Discover how professional Mercury Marine anglers prepare, unwind, and pursue passion projects between tournament seasons.

The Offseason Defined

For professional bass anglers, the offseason is a window of opportunity to recharge, organize, and strategize. Running from September to January, this downtime bridges the gap between tournament seasons, which typically kick off in January or February and wrap up in August or September.

Brandon CobbBrandon Cobb
Mercury Pro Brandon Cobb

Preparing for Next Season

Tackle Organization:
Bassmaster Elite Series pro Brandon Cobb emphasizes the importance of a well-prepared arsenal.

“Offseason tackle organization is one of the biggest tasks that pay huge dividends throughout the following season.”

From inventorying supplies to ordering essentials, anglers ensure they’re ready to compete. Many also scout new lakes through “pre-practice” trips, using public resources like maps and online data to gain insights while adhering to strict tournament rules.

Staying Sharp: Fitness and Fishing

David Dudley Mercury ProDavid Dudley Mercury Pro
David Dudley Mercury Pro

Fitness Routines:
David Dudley, a four-time FLW Angler of the Year, stays active with racquetball and Zumba.

“These activities not only keep me in physical shape but also help me decompress from tournament stress.”

Fishing for Fun:
To keep his skills sharp, Dudley often fishes for crappie or saltwater species.

“Catching 100-plus fish in a day keeps me dialed in.”

Passionate Pursuits

YouTube Content Creation:
Brandon Lester uses the offseason to film engaging fishing content for his YouTube channel, focusing on crappie fishing.

“Subscribers love the crappie videos, and so do I. It’s a chance to share tips and enjoy the process.”

Hunting Adventures:
Ott DeFoe has embraced hunting alongside fishing.

“Hunting has become an obsession, and it complements my fishing by teaching me about seasonal patterns and strategy.”

Discover the ultimate resource for bass fishing enthusiasts with Bass Angler Magazine! Packed with expert tips, the latest cutting-edge techniques, and in-depth articles, our magazine is your go-to guide for mastering the art of bass fishing. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, Bass Angler Magazine delivers the insights and inspiration you need to reel in the big ones. Subscribe today and elevate your angling game!

Community and Giving Back

Veteran angler Randy Howell devotes much of his offseason to his Kings Home Boat Giveaway, a Mercury-supported initiative benefiting abused women and children.

“It’s a lot of work, but it’s incredibly rewarding to make a difference through fishing.”

Guiding and Professional Growth

For Mercury Pro Ryan Salzman, guiding on the Tennessee River offers a dual benefit of earning income and honing his skills.

“Guiding has made me a better angler. It’s all about finding fish daily, whether for clients or tournaments.”

Offseason Success

From organizing gear to enjoying outdoor pursuits and creating meaningful content, Mercury Bass Pros make the most of their downtime. As the new season kicks off in February, their preparation, passion, and resilience are sure to shine.

Credit to Mercury Marine

This story highlights the experiences and insights of the Mercury Pro Team. Visit Mercury Marine for more stories like this. #mercurymarine

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Mark Lassagne


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