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NMMA names Legislator of the Year

NMMA names Legislator of the Year

NMMA was in Sacramento to present Assembly member Tasha Boerner Horvath the Legislator of the Year Award and attend the California Boating Congress (CBC).

In 2021, Assembly member Boerner Horvath sponsored AB 335 which allows manufacturers of recreational boats and marine engines to receive and retain specific contact information for buyers of its products for the limited and exclusive use of conducting product safety recalls and warranty verification. AB 335 ensured that purchasers are able to receive important and timely safety recall information and easily confirm warranty verification. Assembly member Boerner Horvath represents the 77th District which encompasses San Diego and coastal parts of northern San Diego County, including Carlsbad, Encinitas, and Solano Beach. NMMA presented Assembly member Boerner Horvath with the Legislator of the Year Award and her Legislative Director, Celia Mata, with Staffer of the Year for their work in making AB 335 law in California.

On April 11-12, NMMA co-hosted and participated in CBC alongside several other industry groups. This year’s legislator events included a California House Floor tour with Assembly member Marie Waldron, as well as legislator meetings with Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire, Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones, Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher, and Assembly member Boerner Horvath. Also at the conference were presentations by the Ocean Protection Council about California’s 30×30 and the Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the Governor’s budget priorities and fiscal stability. CBC served as a direct opportunity for industry stakeholders and leaders across the marine industry and boating community to help shape future boating policy, funding, and regulation.


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