NAVICORK by Amorim Cork Decking Comes to Market

NAVICORK by Amorim Cork Decking Comes to Market

A new type of marine flooring has come to market. NAVICORK by Amorim is a sustainable, high-performance cork composite decking that is 100% natural, reusable and recyclable raw material made from cork trees. Cork offers a wide array of important technical characteristics, such as lightness, durability and acoustic and thermal insulation, which are ideal for marine decking.

“It is becoming increasingly urgent for the marine industry to re-evaluate its business model and invest in new solutions that ensure the high levels of performance that characterize the sector, while also contributing to its sustainability,” says Alexandre Carneiro, NAVICORK’s CEO. “NAVICORK was born with this mission. We don’t just want to present the market with a sustainable option, we want to challenge it to reinvent itself. Our entry into the market is supported by cutting-edge technology, as well as a capacity for innovation in cork composites that is unique in the world.”

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Boat Lyfe