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Looking to Secure More Sponsorship Dollars for Your Fishing? | Bass Angler Magazine

Looking to Secure More Sponsorship Dollars for Your Fishing?Looking to Secure More Sponsorship Dollars for Your Fishing?
Looking to Secure More Sponsorship Dollars for Your Fishing

Sponsorship Dollars for Your Fishing is a common question I get from anglers who are eager to attract sponsorship.

Here are some essential tips to help you on your journey:

Put in the Work:

Sponsorships won’t just fall into your lap. Start early, be proactive, and dedicate time each day to building your brand.

Build Your Fishing Prowess:

Spend as much time on the water as possible. The better you are, the more attractive you’ll be to potential sponsors.

Offer Seminars:

Volunteer to host seminars at local bass clubs or tackle shops. It’s a great way to gain visibility and showcase your expertise.

Choose Tournaments Wisely:

Focus on tournaments that offer the most exposure. Local events are great, but they often lack the media coverage and credibility needed to impress sponsors.

Create a Resume:

Just like a job application, you’ll need a resume to showcase your achievements, experience, and what you can offer a sponsor.
Leverage Social Media: Establish professional profiles on social media platforms and post regularly. Your online presence is a key factor in attracting sponsors.

Get a Website:

A personal website – it doesn’t have to be expensive—many services offer affordable website creation. Your site serves as the foundation of your personal brand and a hub for all your achievements.
Remember, securing sponsorships is all about building a strong foundation. Invest in your brand, and the opportunities will follow.

Be Prepared: What Fishing Sponsors Look for When Researching You.Be Prepared: What Fishing Sponsors Look for When Researching You.
Be Prepared What Fishing Sponsors Look for When Researching You

Be Prepared: What Fishing Sponsors Look for When Researching You.

When you’re seeking sponsorship, remember that companies will be researching you just as much as you’re researching them. Sponsors typically start with a simple internet search, something like “Your Name Fishing,” to see what comes up. Here’s what they’re looking for:

Online Presence:

How many websites are you listed on? Do you have a fishing website. Are there images and relevant information about you in the search results? Key sites like B.A.S.S. and MLF often appear first, followed by your social media platforms and other fishing-related websites.

Content and Visibility:

Sponsors will dive into these sites to see if there are images of you, articles about your achievements, and details about your career earnings. They’ll also check how you present yourself on tournament websites.

Social Media Audit:

Your social media presence will be closely examined. They’ll look at your audience size, engagement levels, and the overall tone of your posts. Are you actively supporting your current sponsors? Do your posts reflect a positive image? Even your political views might be scrutinized to ensure they align with the sponsor’s values – probably best not to post about political issues.

On-Camera Presence:

If there are videos of you, sponsors will watch to see how you perform on camera. They want to know if you’re comfortable and effective in promoting their brand during interviews or live events.

Take the time to do an internet search on yourself to see what they’ll find. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that you’re always seen in the best possible light. Your online presence is often your first impression—make sure it’s a great one.

About the BAM Trail

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Mark Lassagne

Boat Lyfe