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Image Of The Week—Pure Platinum Rides Again

Image Of The Week—Pure Platinum Rides Again

Once the property of original owner and now Dirty Money team offshore racing throttleman Bill Pyburn, Jr., and then owned by the late Michael Pierce before it wound up in the capable hands of Pierce’s dear friend and fellow Louisianan Nate Michel, the first Pure Platinum Skater Powerboats 388 catamaran is now owned by Skater dealer Ross Ramsey of Springtown, Texas. It’s a special boat, to be sure and Ramsey, an avowed Skater fanatic who owns RP Elite Motors and Marine, is just the man to take proper care of it.

Participants and spectators today at the Tickfaw 200 Poker Run will get to see plenty of the Pure Platinum Skater catamaran on the water. Photo by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix.

For Ramsey, this weekend’s Tickfaw 200 Poker Run is a debut-event of sorts. This isn’t the first time the storied 38-footer has appeared in the Springfield, La., event. But it is the first public event under Ramsey’s ownership of the prized catamaran, which is powered by Mercury Racing 1100 engines.

Photographer Pete Boden captured the cat in action on the Tickfaw River Thursday. And it’s still a head-turner.

“This is going to be my personal boat—it’s not for sale,” Ramsey said shortly after taking possession of the cat. “The detail is incredible and the 1100s are the ticket. I am not going to change a thing about it, not the name, not anything. I’m going to use for it was built to do, poker runs and pleasure boating.”

And good to his word, the affable Texan is in Louisiana with his new prize this weekend. Said Ramsey, “She is running very well, and very strong.”

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