HullMagic: A New Product that Keeps Boats Clean and Stain Free with One Application, No Scrubbing ad Simple Rinse with Clean Water

Boca Raton, FL—April 12, 2023—If you own a boat you probably want to keep it clean and stain free from the hull to the topside and everywhere else. Until now, it’s been a lot of work requiring multiple applications of so-so cleaners and plenty of scrubbing. Today, that all changes. HullMagic,, is the newest, most powerful and safest instant cleaner and stain remover available. Its Clinging Foam + Spray works on all fiberglass, non-skid, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, chrome and plexiglass surfaces.
It’s truly a boater’s savior because in one application it cleans stubborn stains effortlessly, economically and safely. See the independently created “Captain’s Video” testimonial posted on the web site at
HullMagic kicks the competition’s bottoms. Its unique clinging foam removes even the toughest stains safely. Its spray on/rinse off composition makes it easy to use. Its unique bottle works upside down making it great for the underside of hulls. It’s made in the USA, has a pleasant smell unlike the leading competitors, costs less per ounce than other leading boat cleaners and shipping is FREE! (See competitive chart attached and at the web site for more details.)
“We like to say HullMagic cleans more than your bottom because it’s not only for hulls. You can use it safely and effectively on any stain and it saves time because one minute after application it only requires a simple rinse with clean water to leave things shining,” said HullMagic developer Ben Patipa. “Anyone who owns a boat knows what’s involved in the upkeep. The product works on contact saving time and effort so you can enjoy your time on the water whether you are fishing or out for a day of leisure.”
HullMagic is immediately available on Shopify and direct from the company at for $16.99 for 25.4 ounces/$.67 per ounce, and shipping is FREE! With this introduction, HullMagicäis offering a free bottle to anyone who purchases 2 bottles and recommends a fellow boater/friend who orders a single bottle.
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