Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act Grant Program Awards $3.85 Million for Great Lakes Basin

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced an award of $3.85 million in federal funding for the Great Lakes Basin under the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act grant program. The funds will go to help restore sustainable populations of fish and wildlife resources, as well as their habitats, in the Great Lakes Basin.
Over $1,73 million in non-federal partner match contributions also comes from 16 research and restoration grant proposals, which are partially supported with $941,748 from Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding.
Since 1998, the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act has awarded $39.6 million in federal funds to 226 research and restoration and regional project proposals. This amount, combined with required matching monies from over 145 non-federal partners, adds up to $58.6 million in funding to benefit Great Lakes fish, wildlife and habitats.
To learn more about the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act and for a full list of research and restoration grant proposals funded in the 2023 fiscal year, visit fws.go.