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Golden Manufacturing awards 2024 scholarship | Boating Industry

Golden Manufacturing awards 2024 scholarship | Boating Industry

The 2024 Golden Opportunity Scholarship has been awarded to Amanda Holcroft. Presented by Golden Manufacturing and the Association of Marina Industries (AMI), the scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving marina industry professionals.

Holcroft will attend an upcoming AMI Certified Marina Manager (CMM) course for marina managers and operators. The AMI Training Institute has classified over 400 individuals with this distinction.

“Achieving CMM certification is a fantastic opportunity to further my career, network with other industry professionals and obtain valuable information that can be implemented in the marinas I oversee,” said Holcroft. “I’m honored to be a recipient of the scholarship and can’t thank Golden and the AMI enough for this amazing opportunity!” A graduate of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Holcroft oversees the day-to-day operations of four Newburyport Marinas in Massachusetts.

“We are very fortunate and happy to award this year’s scholarship to Amanda,” said Michael Shanley, Golden Marine Systems president. “The CMM program offered through AMI is the most comprehensive and prestigious designation that a marina professional can achieve. We encourage current and future marina professionals seeking this designation to apply for the Golden Opportunity Scholarship at”


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