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​​​​​Fitzgerald Fishing appoints Alex Funke as Sales Manager | Bass Angler Magazine

Fitzgerald Fishing, a renowned provider of high quality fishing products, has announced the appointment of Alex Funke as Sales Manager. 

Alex Funke right with Trevor Fitzgerald

In this role, Funke will be responsible for managing all dealer sales, driving revenue growth, and expanding market share.

With 10 years’ experience in the fishing industry, Alex brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Fitzgerald Fishing. His proven track record of being a great salesman in the industry, a rod builder and designer, as well as a key person to help with launching new and exciting products for the brand makes him an invaluable asset to the company.

“I’m eager to start my journey with the Fitzgerald Fishing family. I have fished with and against Trevor for years, so I know what Fitzgerald products are capable of firsthand. 

“I have almost twenty years of competitive angling and ten years of experience within the industry, and I am looking forward to helping take the Fitzgerald brand to the next level. 

“We have already started multi-year product planning with a sales and marketing direction, so these next few years’ are going to be big and exciting.

It’s only been a few weeks since ICAST and we are already working on and looking forward to next year’s show and our 2025 releases.” said Alex Funke. 

“We are beyond excited to have Alex onboard with Fitzgerald Fishing. I have known Alex for the entire 10 years that he has been in the industry and have seen his expertise and professionalism firsthand. He is going to be a great asset to The Fitzgerald fishing brand.” said Trevor Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald Fishing has always been a leader in quality fishing products. The company has built a strong reputation for offering some of the most well thought out and designed products in the fishing industry. The products are designed by its pro staff – all of whom are either professional fishermen, guides, or hardcore anglers. Fitzgerald Fishing does not rest on its laurels. The company is constantly striving to innovate and improve. 

The Fitzgerald story began decades ago, fueled by a passion for the sport and a commitment to craftsmanship.

Founder Trevor Fitzgerald, a seasoned angler himself, recognized the need for more reliable and effective fishing gear. He and his wife Sonia then started Fitzgerald Fishing. From those early days, the company built a reputation for excellence, earning the trust of fishing enthusiasts across the globe.

If you are interested in selling Fitzgerald Fishing products in your store, contact Alex today!

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Andrea Marini

Boat Lyfe