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Fifth Annual Lake Champlain Poker Run Opens Registration

Fifth Annual Lake Champlain Poker Run Opens Registration

Based in Burlington, Vt., the Lake Champlain Poker Run opened registration yesterday. The two-day happening on the 124-mile waterway, which extends into Quebec, Canada, is celebrating its fifth anniversary.

When it comes to scenery, the Lake Champlain Poker Run is tough to beat. Photos by Tim Sharkey copyright Sharkey Images.

According to Chris Fisher, one of the event’s organizers, 30 powerboat owners have already signed up. The fleet will be capped at 75 boats.

“And several of the participants who registered chose the sponsorship option, which includes hotel discounts and prime docking assignments,” said Fisher.

Added fellow Lake Champlain Poker Run organizer Brian Hoar, “We are expecting 60 to 65 boats, but we can handle up to 75.”

Though last year’s participation dipped—courtesy of high fuel and lodging costs—from its record-setting 75 boats in 2021, the 2022 run raised more than $30,000 for Camp-Ta-Kum-Ta, a Vermont-based camp for children battling cancer, as well as those who have overcome the disease. The event began raising money for the nonprofit organization in 2021.


This year’s schedule includes a Friday lunch run followed by a welcome party at the Burlington Community Boat House that evening. Saturday’s activities kick off with a mandatory captains meeting followed by a boat parade through Burlington Harbor ahead of the poker run, which will stop for a BBQ lunch at Mooney Bay Marina in New York. Launched last year, the post-run celebration is returning to the Burlington Community Boat House.

As he has for the past several years, New Jersey-based photographer Tim Sharkey will be on hand to capture all the action.

The Lake Champlain Poker Run will return to its traditional Mooney Bay Marina location for lunch this year.

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