Federal Fisheries Council Slated to Act on Shellfish Issues

Snow crab and Norton Sound red king crab issues are among the issues before the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, which is meeting from Feb. 6-13 at the Renaissance Hotel in Seattle.
Major issues and final action items include the snow crab rebuilding analysis, a presentation on Norton Sound red king crab, potential of extending a temporary rule to waive vessel use caps in the International Pacific Halibut Commission’s Area 4 in the Bering Sea and measures to reduce the likelihood of data loss in the pot gear catcher/processor fleet in erring Sea and Aleutian Islands groundfish fisheries.
The meeting agenda posted online at https://meetings.npfmc.org/Meeting/Details/2975 includes action memos and related documents, plus written comments submitted in advance of the council meeting.
Meetings are also scheduled for the council’s Advisory Panel (AP) and Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC).
Complete agendas for all three meetings are available at https://meetings.npfmc.org/Meeting/Details/2975
The AP and the council meeting are to be broadcast on Zoom. Individuals intending to give oral testimony remotely must be connected to the meeting, either through Zoom on your device or using a call-in phone number, based on your location. All information provided through the eAgenda or during testimony is part of the public record.
To sign up for text alerts about all three meetings, text “NPFMC” to 1-833-237-1598.
Source: https://fishermensnews.com/federal-fisheries-council-slated-to-act-on-shellfish-issues/