Commentary: Fast Boats And Fireworks

As they should, fireworks will decorate the skies tonight. No matter how messy this wonderful country of ours gets, being an American is something to cherish and celebrate. Fireworks symbolize how America, to borrow from an old Midnight Oil song, was “hard-fought and won.”
So no true Fourth of July celebration is complete without them.

Set for July 13-15 this year, the 1,000 Islands Charity Poker Run in Upstate New York always ends with fireworks above the St. Lawrence River.
But in the ever-patriotic, high-performance boating community, fireworks are common at organized boating events all summer. Take those produced by Performance Boat Center in Osage Beach, Mo., for example. From its rendezvous for Cigarette owners to its Lake of Ozarks Shootout welcome party, the multi-brand full-service dealership delivers an event-ending fireworks show worthy of a small-to-mid-size United States city.
“Tonight, The Cave will have them,” said Mark Waddington, the co-owner of Performance Boat Center in reference to the new waterfront hotspot he opened in late 2022.
And Performance Boat Center doesn’t even have an organized boating event of its own today.

The Cave will launch a fireworks show above the Lake the Ozarks tonight.
Staring this Thursday, the 20th annual Boyne Thunder Charity Poker Run in Northern Michigan will finish its Saturday night dinner celebration and auction with end with a colorful a drone show in the night sky. That qualifies as fireworks, at least in my book.
We all have our personal favorites, of course. The fireworks show ending the annual 1,000 Islands Charity Poker Run in Clayton, N.Y., is mine because it happens above the majestic St. Lawrence River. The Performance Boat Center display during its Thursday evening Shootout bash runs a close second.
Wherever today takes you, may it find you with fireworks over your head this evening—and gratitude in your heart forever.
Happy Independence Day.
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