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Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab CDQ Fisheries to Open

Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab CDQ Fisheries to Open

A king crab. File photo.

Community Development Quota (CDQ) fisheries for the Aleutian Islands east of 174° W longitude open July 1 with a 372,000-pound quota, while the Adal Community Allocation (ACA) west of 174° the fishery opens Aug. 1 with a 181,000-pound quota.

Both fisheries close April 30, 2024.

The 2023-2024 Aleutian Islands individual fishing quota (IFQ) fishery east and west of 174° opens on at noon on Aug. 1 and also closes on April 30, 2024. The IFQ quota is 3,348,000 pounds for harvests east of 174° and 1,629,000 west of 174°.

Vehicle registration for the golden king crab fisheries begins at noon on June 28 at Dutch Harbor.

Individuals holding a 2023 Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC) Aleutian Islands king crab interim use permit card must be on board when the vessel is registered and during all fishing operations.

Fishermen may concurrently harvest IFQ and CDQ golden king crab in the eastern Aleutian Islands or IFQ and ACA golden king crab in the western Aleutian Islands, but may not be concurrently registered in both the eastern and western Aleutian Islands. A separate CFEC permit card and registration is required for IFQ, CDQ and ACA fisheries.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) officials also are reminding harvesters that a U.S. Coast Guard Commercial Fisheries Vessel Safety Decal is required before a vessel registration can be issued.

All pots onboard the vessel or in wet storage must comply with current Aleutian Islands commercial golden king crab fishing regulations at the time of vessel registration. Vessel operators may register gear operation cooperatives with other registered vessels, and a vessel operator may transport crab pot gear to the fishing grounds for another vessel operator. However the registered vessel operator of the crab pot gear has seven days to be active in the registration area where the gear is deployed.

Catcher-only vessels are required to carry an observer for 50% (by weight) of their harvested golden king crab during each of three trimesters (Aug. 1 to Oct. 31, Nov.1 to Jan. 31, and Feb. 1 to April 30). Catcher-processor vessels are required to carry an observer for 100% of all fishing activity.

Observer coverage is funded using Aleutian Islands golden king crab test fish funds and can be arranged by contacting Saltwater Inc. at (907) 581-6611 or (907) 359-1531.


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