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Alaska Board of Fisheries 2023-24 Meeting Date Proposals Now Available

Alaska Board of Fisheries 2023-24 Meeting Date Proposals Now Available
Image: Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Agendas for the latest 2023-2024 Alaska Board of Fisheries meeting cycling, with sessions in Homer, Kodiak and Anchorage, are now available online.

The board accepted a total of 255 proposals from the public, local fish and game advisory committees, organizations and the Department of Fish and Game for review in these regulatory areas. Proposals may be downloaded off the board’s website individually, in sections, or for entire meetings. The website is

The Homer session from Nov 28 through Dec. 1, is to be held at the Land’s End Resort.

The Kodiak finfish session is set for Jan. 9-12 at Kodiak Marketplace.

From Feb. 23 through March 7, the state fisheries board is to meet on Upper Cook Inlet finfish issues at the Egan Convention Center in Anchorage.


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