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ABYC announces Standards Week 2024

ABYC announces Standards Week 2024

The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) has announced the dates for its annual Standards Week, Jan. 7-11, 2024, in Annapolis, Md.

Standards Week is a gathering for the marine industry and Project Technical Committees (PTCs), with daily meetings scheduled to discuss updates to Supplement 64 of the Standards and Technical Information Reports for Small Craft, set for publication in July 2024. Participants have a voice in the development of the revised or newly considered standards and their potential impact on the boating industry.

“Annapolis is the home of ABYC, and we are excited to welcome industry experts from around the globe to take part in the standards development process,” said Brian Goodwin, ABYC technical director. “This crucial annual event ensures that ABYC standards remain state of the art and aligned with the evolving technology in the marine industry.”

The significance of Standards Week lies in the diverse group of global marine industry professionals who actively participate. “Representing various perspectives and areas of expertise, these volunteers play a vital role in shaping the future of boating safety,” said Goodwin.  

Key topics in 2024 include AC & DC electrical systems, electric propulsion, galvanic isolators, navigation lights, tow points, windshields, hatches, doors, visibility from the helm, exhaust systems and inboard engines.

Apart from the PTC meetings, Standards Week features additional networking opportunities with leading boating safety advocates. One of the highlights is ABYC’s annual meeting, which will commemorate the organization’s 70th anniversary.


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