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USDA Could Buy Up to $50M in Alaska Pollock

USDA Could Buy Up to $50M in Alaska Pollock
Image: U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is hailing a federal decision to purchase up to $50 million of Alaska pollock for food bank programs as a benefit to both hungry Americans and a fishing industry struggling with reduced demand and increased marketplace competition.

“We all appreciate the quick response by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to address the needs of the seafood industry, and at the same time food-insecure Americans, by committing to purchase what may be more than 15 million pounds of wild Alaska pollock products,” ASMI Global Food Aid Director Bruce Schactler said Jan. 8.

The purchase of fillet portions, fish sticks and nuggets, he said, strengthens the nutrition profile of USDA offerings as recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, while at the same time helping to address extreme market challenges causing disruption across the Alaska seafood industry.

The purchases are slated to be made through Section 32 under the Secretary of Agriculture’s authority.

Sometimes referred to as “bonus” products, Section 32 procurements are items made available for distributing agencies, tribes and local agencies to order without spending their USDA Foods entitlement funds. Economists conduct market assessments that document industry-wide need to support the product.

Section 32 items are available for a limited time and must meet USDA nutrition and procurement requirements. Section 32 requests must come from industry groups and not individual suppliers.

“We’re pretty happy that we got it,” said Schactler, who had been working on the deal since October.

Over the next few weeks USDA is expected to survey food banks regarding who wants what and how much. When they know what is needed they will publish a solicitation for bids, Schactler said.

The upcoming purchase is just for food banks; more are coming for schools and other programs, he said.

“This is a good start,” Schactler said. “It’s January. We will see where this goes. A lot of people are hungry in this country. I’m hoping to double this amount (of Alaska pollock purchases by USDA) by the end of the year,” he said.

Last year, USDA bought about $60 million in Alaska pollock.


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