The Hartwell Lake Charity Run Is South Carolina’s Coolest Hot-Ticket

If you’re looking for a go-fast boating event in a setting that offers bountiful nightlife options—the Florida Powerboat Club Tampa Bay Poker Run comes to mind—then you’ll want to skip the Hartwell Lake Charity Fun Run in South Carolina. Benefitting Meals On Wheels-Anderson, the family-oriented event happens on a 56,000-acre waterway with 1,000 miles of shoreline that reaches into Georgia. Like the lake itself, the surrounding countryside is unspoiled.

Fancy restaurants are nonexistent and bustling bars are nonexistent. So the nightlife is what you make it.
But if a cool event for a great cause—getting meals delivered to folks in dire need—with friendly locals is what you’re after, the Hartwell Lake Charity Run is for you. And registration for the June 12-14 event, which will celebrate its 16th anniversary this year, is open.
Last year’s run attracted a record-setting 150-plus boats and raised more than $100,000 for the local Meals On Wheels organization. Yet it still retained its mellow, gracious vibe.
“The Lake Hartwell event helps a stunning amount of people who need the services of Meals On Wheels – Anderson,” said Chuck Stark, who lives with his wife, Shannon, at their waterfront home at the lake and recently purchased an MTI-V 50 center console to go along with his MTI 390X catamaran. “It’s all about those people and the people who support the event.”

Stark didn’t just encourage a bunch of friends such as Chad and Ashley Shutter of BRP Marine Custom in Denver, N.C., Skater 388 catamaran owners Mike and Angela Goldbaugh of Alabama and Tony Chiaramonte of DCB Performance Marine in Phoenix to join him for the run in 2024. He housed them for the weekend. Like fellow local and DCB Performance Marine M33R catamaran owner Scott James, he is among the event’s biggest boosters.
Chiaramonte, who has participated in the run several times, explained its fundamental appeal.
“The people are amazing, the lake is awesome,” he said. “Everything about this event is incredible.”
Everything, that is, but the instant pre-fab nightlife. But you can handle that yourself.—Matt Trulio