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Swedish marina completes three-year rebuild

Swedish marina completes three-year rebuild

Since 1979, Önnereds Båtlag (Önnereds Boat Club) has been a coastal refuge for nearby Gothenburg, Sweden city-dwelling boat owners. The club recently finished a three-year renovation to its large 1,427-foot dock array with the help of marina industry leader SF Marina.

SF Pontona Sweden, a fully owned subsidiary of SF Marina, sold and installed the four floating concrete pontoons used in the marina. While the North Sea waters around Önnereds Båtlag, on the Southwest coast, have nominal tidal fluctuations and are naturally protected from storms, the docks are moored with chains and concrete anchors. Utilities such as power and water are routed through internal ducts in the pontoons and terminate in El-Björn Alfa-II pedestals.

The docks utilize 210 galvanized steel Y-boom fingers of various lengths between 14- and 32-feet. Their narrow width allows for a greater number of boats to dock in a given space when compared to traditional aluminum or concrete fingers. Over 70% of recreational boats in Sweden are under 20-feet long, so by choosing this option Önnereds Båtlag was able to maximize its capacity to 285 slips.

With Y-boom fingers, boat owners access their vessels from the bow or stern because the booms themselves are too narrow for safe passage. On Önnereds Båtlag’s outer dock, walkable versions provide a more customary approach. Both versions have large plastic floats on the end to keep them in place.

Less than nine miles from Gothenburg, Önnereds Båtlag offers dock space for boats up to 36-feet with 12-foot beams. Open from Mid-April until the end of October, the naturalized venue offers a clubhouse, 26 boathouses and winter storage.


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