Sun Protection for Boaters

Sun Protection for Boaters

There’s nothing like spending time atop, or submerged in, Poseidon’s salty realm. Boaters and anglers daydream of time atop the ocean throughout the work week. However, carelessness possesses consequences, and those who neglect to protect themselves from the Sun may end up with a weakened immune system, damaged eyes, and skin cancer. Skin cancer is a worsening phenomenon. A recent rise in the popularity of outdoor sports, such as fishing, accounts for some of the recent skin cancer epidemic.

Skin cancer and damage caused by the Sun is easily avoided, yet anglers and boaters too often neglect to apply sunscreen or cover up. Simply put, the best way to avoid the Sun’s harmful rays is to limit exposure to sunlight.

Overexposure to sunlight, or more accurately ultraviolet rays (UV), causes harmful effects to the skin, eyes and immune system. These effects may easily be avoided by limiting exposure to sunlight. Most anglers and boaters don bathing suits to soak in the Sun’s rays, yet this sun worshiping may have adverse effects and it’s much wiser to practice modesty in the face of a giant star (the Sun): according to the World Health Organization (WHO), clothes and hats provide the best protection from the sun, especially in situations, such as boating, where there is no shade.

Sunscreen offers the second best protection from the Sun’s rays and should be applied to any part of the body not covered by clothing. A broad spectrum sunscreen, with an SPF of 15 or above, is the most effective in blocking UV rays. Don’t forget to re-apply every 2 hours.

It’s always cool and wise to wear sunglasses while reeling-in the next big catch or boating. Lenses with UV protection protect the eyes from harmful rays.

While boating or fishing, always apply sunscreen or cover up. The effects of the Sun are ever worsening, and it’s not worth risking health to look good on the boat. Moreover, to avoid sunburn and other consequences from exposure to UV rays, watch the UV Index. Take extra caution when headed out to reel in fish, boating or any other outdoor activities when the UV index reads moderate or above.




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