Striper Cup Dedicated to Dr. Mike Armstrong of Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries – On The Water

Striper Cup Dedicated to Dr. Mike Armstrong of Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries – On The Water

In 2020, On The Water began an annual tradition of dedicating The Striper Cup to an organization or individual that embodies the spirit of the event. This year, the Striper Cup committee is proud to honor a leader in fisheries management whose tireless efforts have significantly impacted the future of striped bass conservation, Dr. Mike Armstrong of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries.

DMF Director Dan McKiernan (middle) and DMF’s Dave Martins (far right) accept the Striper Cup dedication on behalf of Dr. Mike Armstrong, who was unable to attend the StriperFest event.

Dr. Armstrong has spent over three decades at DMF overseeing critical programs in fish biology, stock assessments, and recreational fisheries. He has dedicated his career to the science-based management of important fish species, particularly striped bass. And he has been instrumental in developing regulations and management plans that have preserved the striped bass fishery while allowing anglers to enjoy this treasured resource.

Thanks to his dedication, Massachusetts has led the way in adopting regulations to conserve striped bass and continues to lead scientific efforts to help advance management of the species. Most recently, Massachusetts is taking the lead to study catch and release mortality in the striped bass fishery to better understand the various factors impacting fish survivability. Moreover, Dr. Armstrong played a key role on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Striped Bass Management Board. His leadership helped shape coast-wide management where he pushed for emergency action in 2023 to reduce striped bass mortality on the remaining strong 2015-year class.

Earlier this year, Dr. Michael Armstrong (second from right) received the 2024 Belding Award. This award honors individuals whose work does the most to promote the conservation and sustainable use of the Commonwealth’s marine resources. He is joined by Kalil Boghdan, Michael Pierdinock and Ray Kane (holding up Mike’s gift) and DMF Director Dan McKiernan (far right).

In addition to his research and policy work, Dr. Armstrong has always maintained a close connection with the angling community, fostering an understanding of how personal responsibility plays a role in conservation. His leadership has elevated DMF’s focus on recreational fisheries, ensuring that anglers’ needs are met and public access is improved through the strategic use of saltwater fishing permit fees.

On behalf of the entire OTW crew, past and present, thank you, Mike, for your tireless efforts in ensuring a sustainable future for our fisheries.


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