Rock The River Fun Run Releases 2024 Event Video

Rock The River Fun Run Releases 2024 Event Video

There is nothing exotic about the Ohio River as it winds through Cincinnati, at least as far as settings for performance boating events go. And yet from from its bang for the buck to the easygoing group of powerboat owners it attracts, the fifth annual Rock The River Fun Run in August was the “sleeper” event of the summer. Organizers Pat Feldhaus, his brother, Matt, and their mutual friend, Michael Caliguri, work hard to create a good-time, down-to-earth atmosphere for the two-day event—on and off the water—which includes one of the coolest little street parties you’ll ever attend.

See for yourself why the Rock The River Fun Run was one of the coolest events of the 2024 season. Photo by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix

And now the organizers have released a cool, little, fast-paced video capturing the 2024 event. Produced by Fly Visual Media, the five-minute video captures the heart and the soul of the Rock The River Fun Run, which raised more than $50,000 for the Cecil Dye Foundation, a local nonprofit outfit that helps cancer patients pay their basic monthly bills.

Our guess? One watch will be enough for you to put Rock The River on your 2025 to-do list. It’s already on ours—and we were there this year.

Of course, we’ll let you know when registration opens next year.

What would a Sunsation 32 CCX center console at a downtown Cincinnati street party be without a Bengal tiger on its T-top? Photo by Matt Trulio

We’re proud and honored to host the production on our YouTube channel. And we’re flattered—and even a little touched—that the producers added the logo to the credits.

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