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Performance Boat Center To Host First ‘Invitational’ Fun Run

Performance Boat Center To Host First ‘Invitational’ Fun Run

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With its Rendezvous for Cigarette Owners now officially off its schedule—Lake of the Ozarks Cigarette Racing Team dealer Big Thunder is handling an event for those owners this summer—Performance Boat Center has added something new for its customers this season. The inaugural Performance Boat Center Invitational Fun Run will be held June 13-16 and based out of the multi-brand dealership’s headquarters in Osage Beach, Mo.

Want an invite to the Performance Boat Center Invitational Fun Run? All you to do is one a model from one of the brands currently carried by the dealership and RSVP. Photos by Jeff Helmkamp copyright Jeff Helmkamp Photos.

Performance Boat Center announced the news today in the late afternoon in a post on its Facebook page

“This is a weekend event to show our appreciation—schedule coming soon,” the post read.

No physical invitations will we sent. “invitational” means would-be participants have to own boats from brands currently offered by the dealer to be included in the event.

But those brands aren’t just limited to go-fast center consoles and catamarans from MTI, Performance Powerboats and Sunsations Boats. Owners of models from Princecraft as well as South Bay pontoon boats—both offered by the dealership—are welcome.

“Owners of Wright Performance catamarans also are welcome,” said Brett Manire, the co-owner of Performance Boat Center.” “The boats don’t need to have been be bought at PBC.However, only the brands listed are welcome.”

In addition to one of the aforementioned brands, an RSVP is required for attendance.

MTI is one just one of the brands that will land you an invite to the new Performance Boat Center event.

Editor’s note: will provide news on the Big Thunder Marine Cigarette event as it becomes available.

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