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Operation Dry Water Returns for July 4 Holiday

Operation Dry Water Returns for July 4 Holiday


In preparation for the summer’s biggest boating and fishing weekend for July 4, the Operation Dry Water outreach program will return this year to help create public awareness surrounding alcohol- and drug-related accidents on the water across the country. The Coast Guard’s Boating Safety Division coordinates this national outreach in partnership with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and other members of the boating community.

“Our hope is Coast Guard units, along with all the other participating agencies, will see a long-term benefit of accident and fatality reduction by conducting their own Boating Under the Influence campaign,” says Brian Moore, Coast Guard recreational boating safety specialist, reports Trade Only Today.

Agencies across the country will participate in this year’s program, promoting sober, safe boating practices. Last year, over 7,800 officers from 630 local, state and federal agencies participated in the effort, focusing on stopping boating under the influence.

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