New Southern Shark Species Found in Rhode Island Waters

A Rhode Island fisherman recently captured video footage of a juvenile spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna) off the coast of Charlestown, Rhode Island. This marks the first documented sighting of a young spinner shark in New England waters, prompting both enthusiasm and curiosity among local fishermen and marine biologists.
On September 1, 2024, Captain Carl Granquist was fishing south of Charlestown when a small shark, measuring 24 inches, landed on the deck of his boat, the F/V Estrella Domar. Unsure of the species, Granquist recorded a video and, along with his mate Bryce Biggs, measured the shark before releasing it back into the ocean. He then shared the footage with the Atlantic Shark Institute (ASI) for identification.
Jon Dodd, ASI’s Executive Director, recognized that the shark was either a spinner or blacktip shark—both species typically found along the southeastern U.S. coast and often difficult to distinguish. To confirm the identification, Dodd consulted Dr. Joshua Moyer of Yale University and Dr. Stephen Kajiura of Florida Atlantic University. Through detailed analysis, including frame-by-frame examination of the video, they identified the shark as a juvenile spinner shark.
The presence of a young spinner shark in Rhode Island waters is noteworthy. Spinner sharks are known for their impressive aerial displays, leaping and spinning out of the water. In recent years, anglers have reported spinner sharks off New Jersey and the south shore of Long Island. However, their documented nursery habitats range from the Carolinas to Florida, making this northern sighting unusual. The shark’s partially healed umbilical wound indicated it was a neonate, raising questions about whether spinner shark nursery habitats are shifting northward, possibly due to climate change, or if this was an isolated incident.
The story highlights the value of collaboration between fishermen and researchers. Granquist’s decision to document and share his encounter provided scientists with valuable data, leading to a publication in the Journal of Fish Biology. Such partnerships enhance our understanding of marine life and can inform conservation efforts.
As ocean temperatures and ecosystems continue to change, fishermen may encounter species outside their traditional ranges. Staying observant and reporting unusual catches can aid in monitoring these shifts.
Although not a primary target for sport fishermen in south Atlantic waters where they are common, spinner sharks provide an exhilarating fight for those who do hook into them. Known for their speed, agility, and acrobatic leaps, they challenge anglers with their high-energy runs and spectacular aerial displays. Many recreational fishermen who target sharks find spinners to be a thrilling catch.
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