Latest Statement 360 Cat Finishing Just In Time For Kuttawa Run

Among the 80-plus participants registered so far for the Kuttawa Cannonball Run May 31-June, Teddy Stygler is most likely to have the newest boat in the eighth annual Kentucky-based event. That’s because Stygler, who lives in Columbus, Ohio, has a 36-foot catamaran from Statement Marine almost finished at the company’s headquarters in Tampa, Fla.
“I am hoping to pick it up a week from Friday,” he said.

The upcoming Kuttawa Cannonball Run will include the debut of the latest 36-foot catamaran coming out of Statement Marine. Photo by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix.
A Kuttawa first-timer but a second time Statement 360 catamaran owner, Stygler traded in his first Statement cat, which he bought pre-owned and was powered by Mercury Racing 450R outboard engines, in August. He ordered his new boat, which is powered by 500R outboards, through Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based Statement dealer Randy Sweers.
Though Stygler has owned several high-performance V-bottoms from Outerlimits Offshore Powerboats and Cigarette Racing Team during the years, the pre-owned Statement was his first catamaran. The boat currently being completed is his second new build—his first was a Sunsation 32 CCX center console he purchased through Michigan-based Sunsation dealer Jeff Riehl.

Sporting a color scheme designed by Chad Shutter at BRP Marine Custom in Denver, N.C., Stygler’s Statement 360 catamaran is almost finished.
“Working with the people at Statement and Randy has been a smooth process,” he said. “And it’s close to being done—it’s ‘all there.’
“I bought the first one because I wanted to try an outboard-powered cat and see how I liked it without breaking the bank , and it was great bang for the buck,” he said. “I mostly boat on Lake Erie, which can get rough, and I was just fine in the Statement.”
And come the end of May at the Kuttawa Cannonball Run, he’ll be just fine in his new one.
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