Kuttawa Cannonball Run Reaping Community Support

Though sponsorship opportunities for the ninth annual Kuttawa Cannonball Run will be open through March, the Kentucky-based event already has a key supporter in its corner. The Kuttawa Tourism Commission has stepped up to back the event, which is set for May 30-31.

Both sponsor and general registration for the Kuttawa Cannonball Run are still open. Photos by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix.
“We have always wanted to get the community more involved with this event,” said Terry Martin, a 34-foot Sunsation Powerboats center console owner who co-organizes the happening with his friend, Jeff Hoefling of Lively Machine Company. “The recent involvement of the Kuttawa Tourism Commission will certainly propel us in the right direction.”
As part of its sponsorship package, the tourism outfit is hosting a Saturday night concert at Kuttawa Amphitheater approximately four blocks from Kuttawa Harbor following the Saturday night charity auction.

The Saturday lunch takes participants all the way to Breakers Marina in Tennessee.
“In addition to bands at Hu-B’s, our longtime home-base at the harbor, Friday and Saturday night and our own DJ XTina, the commission has hired some local talent and a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band,” Hoefling said, then chuckled. “But we’re going to tell everyone they can’t go till after the auction.
“It’s pretty neat that every year we seem to be attracting more local community members and leaders,” he added. “It looks like the mayor and deputy mayor will be attending this year as well.”
General online registration for the event opened in January and is still open.
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The post Kuttawa Cannonball Run Reaping Community Support appeared first on Speed on the Water.
Source: https://www.speedonthewater.com/kuttawa-cannonball-run-reaping-more-local-support/