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Keys Island Runners Winter Outing Hot Despite Cool Weather

Keys Island Runners Winter Outing Hot Despite Cool Weather

Chilly by Upper and Middle Florida Keys standards, daytime temperatures that barely cracked 70 degrees, gusty winds and overcast skies collided for the Key Island Runners Winter Fun Run this weekend. But that didn’t hurt the turnout or dampen the enthusiasm of the participants, some 200 of which turned out for the Saturday raft-up at the Islamorada Sandbar.

Performance Powerboats had single- and twin-engine 28-foot catamarans in the event. Photo by Riley Will copyright Performance Boat Center.

The Key West, Fla.-based group’s Friday lunch run attracted approximately 40 boats to Papa Joe’s restaurant, also in Islamorada.

“We had some crap windy weather but we still had a great turnout,” said Daniel Garcia, III, the founder of the Keys Island Runners group. “I was very happy with it.

“We sold out all the event T-shirts,” he added. “So that was a huge win.”

Proceeds raised during the weekend benefit a Special Olympics program based in Key West.

The weekend fun began Friday afternoon at Papa Joe’s restaurant in Islamorada.

“It looks like we will be able to donate around $5,000 to Special Olympics,” said Garcia. “So that will be a huge help for them.”

Next up on the Key Island Runners schedule is the sixth annual the Frankie Gutierrez, Jr., Memorial Fun Run. The event will happen in early August, though final dates have not been released.

Daniel Garcia, III, and Kristina DeSantis enjoyed the day in Garcia’s 24-foot Progression V-bottom.

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The post Keys Island Runners Winter Outing Hot Despite Cool Weather appeared first on Speed on the Water.


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