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Keys Island Runners Poker Run Sees Strengths In Small Numbers

Keys Island Runners Poker Run Sees Strengths In Small Numbers

Daniel Garcia, III, had expected 50-something boats for the Keys Island Runners Autism Awareness Poker Run two weekends ago in Key West, Fla. The founder and leader of the Keys Island Runners boating group, Garcia based that expectation on past turnouts for the event.

Despite the size of the group, the Keys Island Runners Autism Awareness Poker Run delivered plenty of good times while raising money for a worthy cause. Photos by Thomas Veldheer copyright snapshotkeywest.

The Saturday poker run benefitting the nonprofit Florida Keys support group for families with autistic children attracted 20 boats. But the poker-runners still managed to raise almost $4,000 for the cause and had a fine time in the process, according to Garcia, starting with the Friday fun run and raft-off at Woman Key.

“I think the Mother’s Day holiday might have hurt us a bit, but the event went well,” he said. “And when the group is smaller you get to meet new people and have deeper conversations.”

Key West local Jose F. Fernandez ran his 30-foot Phantom V-bottom his painted by Stephen Miles Design in the event.

As noted above, the weekend kicked off that Friday and evening run and raft-up off Sunset Key. The Saturday poker run included stops at Wisteria Island and Woman Key. A poolside party and card-hand play at the Beachside Resort host hotel followed the poker run, and then much of the group headed to Rick’s Upstairs on Duval Street to keep the party going.

The smaller group gave also gave each participant more photo opportunities on Saturday, though the photo-session almost didn’t happen. Mechanical issues ground the helicopter that was supposed to be the photo platform for a professional shooter.

“Thankfully there was another professional photographer at the event who took some nice water-level shots,” said Garcia. “Everything turned out really well.”

Said organizer Garcia, “When the group is smaller you get to meet new people.”

Set for August 8, the fifth annual Frankie Gutierrez Memorial Poker Run is the next event on the Keys Island Runners schedule.

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