IPHC Seeks Longline Tenders For 2024 Catch Protection Study

The International Pacific Halibut Commission is seeking tenders by March 25 for its 2024 IPHC Catch Protection Study, which has a goal of reducing marine mammal depredation of catch from longline gear.
According to a notice posted online Feb. 28, the IPHC is considering only vessels with captains and crews with experience within the past five years in longline fishing, and that vessel inspection may be required prior.
There is no nationality requirement of the vessels it charters for operation in any region, as long as customs and immigration regulations are followed. The IPHC is not obligated to accept the tender with the lowest bid or any tender received and intends to contract according to its best interests.
The announcement stated that vessels would be rated using several criteria, including seaworthiness, general condition of the vessel and its equipment, the vessel captain’s experience and fishing record and qualification of the selected crew.
Previous interactions with the IPHC and its secretariat, experience operating as a charter vessel, scheduling flexibility and ability to take additional secretariat are other factors to be potentially considered in choosing the charter vessel.
Additional information is available from the IPHC by calling (206) 634-1838. Forms can be online at https://www.iphc.int/opportunities/ by clicking on “IPHC Research Charters.”
Source: https://fishermensnews.com/iphc-seeks-longline-tenders-for-2024-catch-protection-study/