Image Of The Week: Skater’s Smallest Model

Someday, Lucas LaMorte, the son of New Jersey’s Chris and Quinn LaMorte, will own a catamaran from Skater Powerboats. It is written. I’d bet your house on it.
It’s going to be awhile, of course, and not just because it takes the Douglas, Mich., a couple of years to build one. Lucas LaMorte is seven months old. So he has plenty of time to figure out which model he wants.

Meet Lucas LaMorte, Skater man.
In the meantime, his parents are nudging him toward a 36-footer as—go figure—they own one. With the help of their longtime friends Ryan Beckley of Kinetic Animation in Bradenton, Fla., they even customized his rocker to match their well-known catamaran.
“Of course, Lucas had to have his rocking boat customized,” said Chris LaMorte. “It’s nice having a friend who does vinyl graphics.”
My advice to young Lucas, based on countless interviews with Skater aficionados such as Ron Szolack, John Tomlinson and Tyler Miller during the years?
Go with the 388. You won’t regret it.

Born into a Skater-loving family that owns this 36-footer, Lucas LaMorte is destined to have one of his own.
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