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Image Of The Week: King For An Evening

Image Of The Week: King For An Evening

Although last night’s dinner and celebration for the 50th anniversary of Skater Powerboats at Camden on the Lake Resort in Lake Ozark, Mo., was a celebration for the custom boat building business in Douglas, Mich., it was primarily a night to honor the founder of the company and the “King of Catamarans” Mr. Peter Hledin himself.

Flanked by members of his family, Skater Powerboats founder Peter Hledin—the King of Catamarans, hence the crown—was the man of the hour last night. Photo by Pete Boden/Shoot 2 Thrill Pix

The 74-year-old craftsman whose boats have won too many world championships to count and have blistered waterways around the country for the thrill of it for five decades was the reason dozens of Skater owners and their guests showed up from all parts of the country to honor the brand.

The beautifully setup and presented evening organized by Alvin Heathman and Christy Janssen as part of the annual Super Cat Fest was a great way to recognize the legendary company.

Despite being someone who does not care for the spotlight, Hledin enjoyed the evening as well as being able to see so many Skater creations at the docks before the party started. Everything from 21- and 24-foot outboard Skaters to 46- and 50-foot cats were docked outside. And there were plenty of customers who came without their boats because they didn’t want to miss it.

Related links
Coverage Of The 2024 Lake Of The Ozarks Shootout
Skater At 50—Celebrating Skater Powerboats’ 50th Anniversary Weekly
Skater At 50—The Cat Man And The Engine Man
Skater At 50—Peter Hledin In 2000
Simplicity Rules At The Outboard Skater Fun Run

The post Image Of The Week: King For An Evening appeared first on Speed on the Water.

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