I Learned About Boating From This: Turned the Boat and Got Turned Around

One sunny afternoon, I decided to take a solo pontoon boat trip from my home on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay to the Eastern Shore, about an hourlong 10-nautical–mile trip that I have successfully completed many times in the past. Since land was in sight for the trip, I planned to head out with land to port and return with land to starboard.
It ended up being more complicated than that.
About halfway through the trip, I realized that it was nearing dinner time. Since I hadn’t told my wife—or anybody else—where I was going, I decided to turn around and head back home.
Things took a turn as I turned the boat. Visibility had dropped, and what shadows of land I could see all looked the same. I had not installed a GPS aboard the boat or even a -compass. Furthermore, a huge power plant, with coal stacks tall and lit, which had always served as a navigation aid for me in the past, had recently been razed. In the course of turning the boat 180 degrees to head home, I realized I was lost.
Read Next: Lessons for Boating in Fog
Fortunately, I had my cellphone with me. And I had a good signal! I also had a charging cable. I plugged it in so that there was no fear of running out of battery. And I had installed the Know Wake and Argo apps on the phone. The phone would be my salvation leading me home.
Still, I made some mistakes that I will not make again. I will always let someone else know where I am going and when I am expected back. Also, I will make sure to take extra water and snacks aboard the boat. I recommend that boaters make sure their phone is charged, can be recharged aboard, and practice with a navigation app so that using it is -second nature if needed.
My boating experience turned into an education for me and, I hope, for others.
Joe Maranto
Middle River, Maryland
[A decent compass costs approximately $100. Also, visit boatingmag.com/how-to/filing-float-plan/. Finally, take Mr. Maranto’s excellent suggestions. —Ed.]
Wanted: Your Stories
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