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Hledin To Support Skater’s 50th Anniversary Party At Super Cat Fest

Hledin To Support Skater’s 50th Anniversary Party At Super Cat Fest

Joined by his son, Michael, and national sales manager Tony Cutsuries, Skater Powerboats founder Peter Hledin is coming to Super Cat Fest (August 22-24) at the Camden at the Lake Resort in Lake Ozark, Mo.The occasion? Skater’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, which the Douglas, Mich., company is sponsoring in the resort’s new ballroom on August 22, starting at 6 p.m.

To celebrate his company’s 50th anniversary, Skater Powerboats founder Peter Hledin (bottom right) will be spending more time with his fans at various events this season. Photo from the 2024 Outboard Skater Fun Run by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix

“Everybody I see at every event I go to without him always asks, ‘Where’s Pete?’” Cutsuries said, then laughed. “So when (Super Cat Fest organizer) Alvin Heathman asked us to come and I told Pete, and he was like ‘Let’s go.’

“We’re starting at 6 p.m. so people can stop in and then go to the Performance Boat Center Lake of the Ozarks Shootout Welcome Party,” he added.

To celebrate Skater’s milestone anniversary and be among the company’s loyal clients, Hledin is on tour, so to speak this year. In mid-March, he traveled to enjoy the invitational Skater Outboard Fun Run organized by Ron Muller in Sarasota, Fla., with his son and Cutsuries.

But that was just the beginning. Skater fans will see Hledin at the Powerboat P1-produced Union Internationale Motonautique Class 1 World Championship Series season-opener May 17-19 in Cocoa Beach, Fla, and the Midwest Challenge—the third event in the Class 1 series—August 9-11 in Sheboygan, Wis. And as he does every year, Hledin will be in the mix at the annual Boyne Thunder Poker Run, July 12-13, in Boyne City, Mich.

Hledin and Cutsuries also will attend the first RP Elite Motors and Marine-produced Skaterfest on Lake Texoma, which straddles the border of Texas and Oklahoma, October 4-8. And as usual, he’ll finish off his travel season at the Race World Offshore Key West World Championship in November 3-10 and the accompanying Florida Powerboat Club Key West Poker Run.

“We’re looking forward to all of it,” Cutsuries said. “Plus, you never what other races or events Pete will want to show up at.”

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