Hartwell Lake Charity Run Online Registration Closed At 98 Entries

Benefitting Meals On Wheels-Anderson in South Carolina, the 14th annual Hartwell Lake Charity Run this weekend already has 98 pre-registered boats. Though would-be participants can no longer register through the event’s website as online registration has closed, they can sign up Friday and Saturday on site.

Fresh from the Kuttawa Cannonball Run, Kelly O’Hara is bringing his 36-foot MTI catamaran dubbed Holy Cow!! to the Hartwell Lake happening. Photos by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix.
“Pre-registration numbers are up,” said Josh Overstreet, a development associate for Meals On Wheels. “It’s been a couple of years since we’ve gone into the weekend with close to 100 boats.
“There’s been a lot of buzz about the event this year,” he added.
Among the returning participants to the event is Devin Wozencraft of Wozencraft Insurance Agency, who’ll be running his 30-foot Skater catamaran powered by Mercury Racing 300R outboard engines. Wozencraft last enjoyed the event in 2019.
“I have needed to return,” Wozencraft said. “Plus, it’s on the way to the Rockin’ the Harbor Poker Run in Baltimore two weeks later and after that I’ll be heading to the 1,000 Islands Charity Poker Run.”
Newcomers include Kelly O’Hara from Upstate New York, who after attending last weekend’s Kuttawa Cannonball Run in Western Kentucky left his 36-foot MTI catamaran with his friends, Kiran and Jessica Pinisetti, in Bloomington, Ind. Kiran Pinisetti will join him for the run.

Returning participant Devin Wozencraft is bringing his 30-foot Skater catamaran to the Hartwell Lake Charity Run—benefiting Meals On Wheels-Anderson—this weekend.
“I’ve been watching the event grow and have always wanted to attend,” O’Hara explained. “The Meals on Wheels benefactor is an organization close to our heart, since we live in a rural part of New York State and Meals On Wheels serves many elderly members of our own community. So we see the importance of their work. When our friends Chuck and Shannon Stark generously offered to host our stay for the event, everything fell together for our trip.
“Poker runs might seem to be about boats, but they’re really about people—people we can help through charitable donations, people we share our boating passion with and people we genuinely enjoy spending time with and feel fortunate to call friends,” he added.

A longtime booster and former lead organizer of the Hartwell Lake Charity Run, Todd Campbell always fills his 57-foot MTI center console called Unbridled for the event. Photo courtesy Devin Wozencraft.
Overstreet is expecting 20 to 30 participants to register on site.
“But I wouldn’t be surprised if we get more than that this year,” he said.
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