Get Involved in Striped Bass Management

Get Involved in Striped Bass Management

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) recently released a draft amendment that could change the way the Atlantic Striped Bass fishery is managed.

The striped bass is the state fish of Maryland and Rhode Island and the state saltwater (marine) fish of New York, New Jersey, Virginia and New Hampshire. To say stripers are the most popular saltwater fish on the Atlantic coast is probably an understatement. Now, these important fish are at a critical juncture that could impact the future of how we fish for this species. 

The ASMFC recently released Draft Amendment 7 and are asking for input from anglers on a variety of topics impacting how stripers are managed. Recognizing the importance of this management action and the complexity and technical nature of this document, Keep America Fishing has created a guide to help the recreational fishing community participate in the process. Once you’ve reviewed the materials, please consider attending a public hearing to share your input.

Here’s what you can do to help:

Read the guide to learn more about the issue.

Attend a meeting in your state.

Send a message to the ASMFC.

Keep America Fishing has also drafted a sample letter you can send directly to the ASMFC. Taking action will help ensure the future of the Atlantic striped bass population and its fishery. Click the “Take Action” button to send a message to the ASMFC today!




Boat Lyfe