Gallery Of The Week: Kuttawa Cannonball Run 2023, Day No. 1

From a go-fast boating event perspective, we need at least three more weekends a year to resolve schedule conflicts. On the other hand, this will create a few problems, not the least of which is the more weekends we have the more events organizers will produce to fill them.

Jeff Rambow is running his new Performance Powerboats P 360 catamaran in this weekend’s Kuttawa event. Photo by Pete Boden.
Still, there are weekends when you wish you could be in two places at once—and this is one of them. The seventh annual Kuttawa Cannonball Run in Kentucky and the Offshore Powerboat Association-produced LOTO Powerfest offshore races at the Lake of the Ozarks in Central Missouri are happening today.
Like my friends Burton Kirsten, Adam Seraphine, Mike Barnes and many others who opted for LOTO Powerfest but also dig the Kuttawa happening, I’d love to be there—just as I know they’d love to be here. But race coverage is good hands with correspondent Eric Colby and photographer Jeff Helmkamp.
Day No. 1 of the Kuttawa Cannonball Run is in the books.
Just as the Kuttawa Cannonball Run is in good hands with photographer Pete Boden handling the images and yours truly reporting. (Opinions on the reporter may vary, but Boden is nails.)
With all of that in mind, enjoy this gallery of Boden’s images from yesterday’s lunch run and raft-up at the 2023 Kuttawa Cannonball Run. And look for complete coverage of the event tomorrow on

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