Fish Beer Friday Review: Rockport Brewing’s Pescato

I like a good, crisp lager, and I’m not talking about American light lagers, such as Bud Light. I lean toward drinking pilsners much of the time. In the same way quahogs are clams, but not all clams are quahogs—pilsners are lagers, but not all lagers are pilsners. A well-brewed pilsner is refreshing, light, and mostly mild in taste, which is perfect for someone who doesn’t fancy himself an “IPA guy”. One of my new favorites, which will certainly stay in the cooler rotation come Memorial Day weekend, is Pescato by Rockport Brewing Company.
Rockport Brewing is based in—you guessed it—Rockport, Massachusetts, on Cape Ann. While I’ve yet to visit the brewery, I was able to secure a 4-pack at my local Kappy’s Liquors last week. Today, we cracked a couple cans when the clock struck Beer:30 and I was first pleasantly surprised by the aroma. If you’re used to cracking open Buds and Millers, this pilsner lacks that musty, somewhat-stale smell exuded by those mass-produced pilsners. It’s slightly malty, and the flavor included herbal notes that I liken to a more enjoyable version of a Peroni. It’d be a great beach beer after several hours on ice, or a nice complement to a backyard-grilled steak dinner during the early summer.
Not to mention, the can is decorated with a vibrant fish mosaic designed by Alessandra Marshall, who was raised in Florence, Italy, and eventually settled on the north shore of Boston. Here’s our official office score.
Rockport Brewing Company
Pescato Italian Pilsner
ABV: 5.2%
Homeport: Rockport, MA
Official Score: 7.9
» Available year-round at Rockport Brewing Co. in Rockport, MA.
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