Featured Boat: 2020 Skater 50 Catamaran

Offered through Skater Powerboats of Douglas, Michigan, this 2020 model-year 50-foot Skater catamaran has a 72-inch tunnel and is powered by twin Sterling Performance engines that make 1,850 hp on E-90 fuel, 1,500 hp on 116-octane Sunoco fuel and 1,100 hp on 93-octane fuel. According to the listing, the engines have 35 operating hours. The propulsion package includes Liberty transmissions upgraded by BAM and Mercury Racing M6 drives with 1.35:1 gear ratios.

Appearance Products handled the cat’s updated eight-seat interior. Features at the carbon fiber dash include dual steering helms, an Isotta Aria steering wheels, a Garmin 8622 GPS unit and two Garmin GPS speedos, heads-trim indicators for the drives and tabs and AutoMeter gauges. Latham Marine throttles and shifters are mounted in podium between bucket seats for the driver and co-pilot. Other amenities in the 50-footer, which was custom painted by the father-and-son duo of Steve and Jake Schulte, include a Tiger intercom system and a JL Audio/Fusion stereo.
Price is $950,000. The cat also is offered for purchase minus the engines and transmissions for $850,000. A tilt trailer is not included.
For more information, contact Tony Cutsuries at Skater Powerboats, 252-945-8605.
