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Father Knows Best For Muller Boys In Sheboygan

Father Knows Best For Muller Boys In Sheboygan

It was only a matter of time before 23-year-old Chase Muller and his 21-year-old brother Jax, won their first Super Cat-class race. After all, not only are they the sons of Jay Muller, one of the most talented throttlemen in the sport, they’ve been competing in various class under his tutelage for 10 years.

Chase and Jax Muller head into this weekend’s Super Cat race with their first victory in the class. Photo by Pete Boden copyright Shoot 2 Thrill Pix

So when they took their first Super Cat-class checkered flag last weekend at the Offshore Powerboat Association Great Lakes Grand Prix in Michigan City, Ind., no one was surprised. It was bound to happen. But everyone, particularly their well-known father, was delighted.

“They were charging so hard through the turns,” said Jay Muller, who throttled the WHM Motorsports Super Cat alongside team owner/driver Bill Mauff in the Michigan City event. “Billy was like, ‘Holy crap, look at those guys.’ It was awesome. We had a lot of fun.”

This weekend, the Muller brothers will campaign their 40-foot Motion Super Cat called Wicked Racing in the Powerboat P1-produced Midwest Challenge, the fifth event of the American Power Boat Association Offshore National Championship Series, in Sheboygan, Wis. But they won’t be competing against two Super Cat teams—WHM Motorsports and Graydel—as they did last weekend. Seven Super Cat teams are registered for Sunday’s contest, and the front-running M CON/Monster Energy and Dirty Money outfits are among them.

The senior Muller, who throttled the CELSIUS team Super Stock catamaran alongside Chris Hopgood last year in Sheboygan, offered his boys some fatherly advice.

“I told them to run it like they stole it—but watch the gauges,” he said, then laughed. “Don’t blow the thing up.

“It’s a great racecourse and I think they’ll enjoy it,” he added. “And the race site is beautiful.”

Muller’s primary goal for his sons is to get them more experience, so when an opportunity to join a “bigger” team comes they’ll be ready for it.

“After Michigan City, they were like, ‘Now we need to get sponsors so we can do all the races,’” Muller said, then chuckled again. “They were excited. I told them, ‘You guys have to start working with some of the younger sponsors.’”

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