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Essential Fishing Skills for Every Angler

Essential Fishing Skills for Every Angler

Think you have all the basics learned? Those timeless essential fishing skills you picked up along the way haven’t let you down. Still, there are plenty of new techniques worth acquiring as technology advances. These skills might quickly become essential to your fishing today. When fishing techniques change and improve, make sure you’re ahead of the game.

Catch Big Bottomfish on Light Spinning Gear
Light line requires lighter weight to reach the bottom.
Chris Malbon

Catch Big Bottomfish on Light Spinning Gear

Capt. Richard Black, of Black Fly Charters, downsizes to 10-pound-test braid when bottomfishing with spinning reels for mutton -snapper. “With a spinning reel, I don’t worry about the line cutting into the spool under pressure,” he explains. Since a spinning reel oscillates to guide line on the spool in a wide pattern, the light braid won’t dig into the spool like it does with a conventional reel. Light line requires lighter weight to reach the bottom. “I can still fight a big fish with the 10-pound-test because the spinning rod puts less pressure on the fish.” —Ric Burnley

Rig a Bait-Dropping Drone
A drone can deliver big baits to big fish.
Chris Malbon

Rig a Bait-Dropping Drone

AJ Rotondella, a land-based shark guide with Apex Anglers, uses a SwellPro drone to deliver big baits to big sharks. The drone is subject to wind and weight limitations. To improve aerodynamics, Rotondella tucks his oversize fish-finder rig and 24-ounce spider sinker under the drone. To keep the rig tight to the drone, he runs the release clip through the large fish-finder swivel. Then he runs one sinker tine through the swivel connecting the 800-pound-test cable to the 1,200-pound-test mono leader. “When the drone releases the rig and it hits the water, the leader swivel comes off the tine.”  Keeping the sinker and bait close to the aircraft allows him to fly lower for precise bait placement. —Ric Burnley

Home In on Fish With Forward-Facing Sonar
To search for fish, use forward-facing sonar in conjunction with side-scan sonar.
Chris Malbon

Home In on Fish With Forward-Facing Sonar

To search for fish, use forward-facing sonar in conjunction with side-scan sonar. Start with side-scan sonar covering a wide area on each side of the boat. When a promising mark shows up on side-scan, switch to live sonar in landscape view to narrow down the location. Finally, turn to vertical view for a detailed image of the fish and your lure in front of the transducer. Mounting multiple displays on the bow and multiple transducers on the trolling-motor shaft allows monitoring several view modes at a glance. —Ric Burnley

Revive a Striper
Reviving trophy stripers helps reduce release mortality.
Chris Malbon

Revive a Striper

With regulations prohibiting the retention of big stripers to reduce release mortality, this technique is a win-win, and you can use it while fishing alone. Replace the lanyard on a 9-inch fish gripper with a 6-foot length of paracord, then tie a loop that fits over a spring-line cleat. Unhook that trophy bass, clamp the gripper on its lower jaw, and gently return the fish to the water. Swim it alongside the boat while moving slowly, and the fish is revived in a matter of minutes. Kudos to Capt. Brian Rice, of Jersey Devil Sportfishing. —Gary Caputi

Throw Them Off the Scent With Social Media
Don’t give away your prime fishing spots on social media.
Chris Malbon

Throw Them Off the Scent With Social Media

Nothing is worse than posting a mega fish, then returning to the same spot to find the Spanish Armada anchored on your honey hole. While some anglers blur backgrounds, I take things a step -further to completely bewilder social media audiences. Examples include donning an ice-fishing suit to show off a beautiful Pulley Ridge queen snapper or breaking out the tank top and 5.5-inch inseam boardshorts after landing a late-November grander bluefin off Prince Edward Island. The idea is to always keep them guessing! —Kade Gewanter

Swing Baits on the Troll
With practice, a good skipper can learn to swing a trolling spread into surface-­feeding fish without spooking them.
Chris Malbon

Swing Baits on the Troll

The instinct to rush toward surface-feeding fish when trolling can backfire. Patience on approach pays off. If a boat runs up behind the feeding fish or straight into them like a predator, the fish will likely spook and go down, and the bite will be lost. When possible, approach from the side in the same direction the fish are moving. Chances for a bite increase if a boat with lines already in the water can advance in front of the fish from an angle and turn alongside the action at the correct distance to swing trolled lures and baits into the school and in front of the advancing fish. The less disturbed the fish get, the better. —David Conway

Work a Fly When Sight-Casting Reds
Work the fly to match the movements of local forage.
Chris Malbon

Work a Fly When Sight-Casting Reds

When Capt. Sam Glass, of FlyWay Charters, lands a perfect cast in front of a redfish, he works the fly to match the movements of local forage. Shrimp kick their tail to shoot forward 6 inches, so Glass recommends short strips and pauses with a shrimp pattern. Baitfish patterns should be worked slow and steady to mimic the real thing, and a crab fly should be fished on the bottom. “Once I tickle the redfish’s interest, I keep the fly moving,” he says. —Ric Burnley

Lure Color Doesn’t Matter
Changing lures before switching colors can be more effective.
Chris Malbon

Lure Color Doesn’t Matter…All That Much

Changing lures before switching colors can be more effective because it allows you to alter the presentation and action of your bait. Different lures and sizes can mimic various prey types or respond differently to water conditions, potentially triggering more bites. If fish aren’t responding to a specific action or shape, switching lures might entice them before changing color. Focusing on lure type first can optimize your approach based on the fish’s behavior and the environment. —Capt. Michael Okruhlik

Descending device for reef fish
Descending devices improve the chances of survival for deep-caught fish.
Chris Malbon

Send ’Em Down Correctly

Many jurisdictions now require descending devices on recreational fishing vessels, and studies show that proper release with such devices improves the chances of survival for deep-caught fish suffering from barotrauma. The additional benefit to anglers is sharks have less opportunity to become accustomed to targeting releases from fishing boats. Seaqualizer and Fishsaverpro are two of the many brands of fish-descending devices available. Get one and use it to conserve bottomfish species. —David Conway

The Rod Is Key With Artificials
Choosing the right fishing rod for artificial lures is crucial.
Chris Malbon

The Rod Is Key With Artificials

Choosing the right fishing rod for artificial lures is crucial, as you must bring the lure to life. A medium to medium-heavy action rod offers the best sensitivity and power for detecting bites and setting hooks. Length is also significant—a 6- to 7-foot rod provides reasonable casting distance and control. Opt for a fast tip to ensure quick response and improved lure action that will enhance your fishing experience. —Capt. Michael Okruhlik

Rescue electronics are key to saving lives
Carrying the right electronics increases your chances of rescue.
Chris Malbon

Save Your Life

If the unthinkable happens—and at sea, it often happens in seconds—you’ll want to increase every possible chance for rescue. Consider EPIRBs (emergency position-indicating radio beacons) required gear on every vessel that goes offshore, even if they’re not mandated by law. Individuals can use PLBs (personal locator beacons). Why anyone wouldn’t take advantage of the satellite message system and the rescue agencies that respond—all paid for by tax dollars—is a puzzle. It’s not a question a person wants to ask when hundreds of miles offshore after a power outage, or worse. ACR Electronics makes EPIRBs and PLBs with batteries that last years. It has survival stories on its website from happy customers. Others didn’t get the chance to write theirs. —David Conway

Tips for a Better FG Knot
No other knot outperforms the FG knot for braid to fluoro or ­mono connections.
Chris Malbon

Tips for a Better FG Knot

No other knot outperforms the FG knot for braid to fluoro or mono connections. If you already know it, here are some tips to improve its quality, especially for big gamefish like tuna. Once you complete your initial “weave,” snug a single half-hitch around the main line and the tag end of the leader to lock it in so you can change your grip. PE line sticks—or a pair of dowels wrapped in hockey tape—are handy for seating the knot. For a clean finish, cut the leader tag at a 45-degree angle and cover the transition with a few more half-hitches, then finish with a triple hitch and pull it tight. —Jack Sprengel

How to snell a hook
The snell knot is essential to keep the line and hook aligned.
Chris Malbon

Snelling Hooks

The snell knot is essential to keep the line and hook aligned, ensuring good hook-sets when using live bait, especially with the circle hooks required in many fisheries today. To tie the knot, begin by holding the hook with the point facing you. Thread your line through the eye and down the back of the shank, doubling the tag end to form a loop. Moving away from the hook eye, make five to seven wraps with the tag end around the hook shank and main line, through the loop, keeping wraps uniform without overlap. Once wraps are complete, slowly pull snug and trim. —Kade Gewanter

Slow-Pitch a Jig
Slow-jigging is quickly becoming a go-to technique for the offshore angler.
Chris Malbon

Slow-Pitch a Jig

Slow-jigging is quickly becoming a go-to technique for the offshore angler. I talked to one of the best jig anglers I know, Shimano’s Benny Ortiz, about the tactic. To start, drop your jig to the bottom, applying slight pressure to the spool. Once the jig reaches the bottom, use a combination of rod lifts and handle turns to impart a lifelike, wounded baitfish action to the jig, then let it flutter down. Most strikes will come as the jig falls. Continue experimenting with different cadences and pitch lengths until you trigger the bite. Use electronics to determine which portions of the water column you should target for maximum results. —Kade Gewanter

Read Next: Basic Navigation Rules and Boating Skills

Making Labels to Put on Fishing Tackle
Making labels will help keep your tackle organized.
Chris Malbon

Label-Maker Memory

Ever find yourself wondering what line is on an outfit or how old it is? This becomes a problem when you have a few dozen outfits for various fishing situations. Get yourself a Brother P-touch label-maker. Every time you change line, print a small label and stick it on the underside of a conventional reel frame or the side of the spool on spinning reels. A simple code keeps the label small. For example, Grand Slam Braid, 30-pound-test and date are coded as “GSB 30lb 10/24.” —Gary Caputi

Trolling-Motor Tricks
Learning to use the different functions of modern trolling motors will make you a ­better angler.
Chris Malbon

Trolling-Motor Tricks

GPS-enabled trolling motors are a wonder of modern engineering. Press a button on the remote to hold position. In anchor mode, press the up, down, right or left arrows to move in any direction in preset increments. If that’s not impressive enough, add a gateway link to an onboard chart plotter and control all the trolling motor’s functions from your MFD. You can have it run a plotted course from waypoint to waypoint, all without leaving the helm. —Gary Caputi

The post Essential Fishing Skills for Every Angler appeared first on Salt Water Sportsman.


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