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Elco and Rock Proof Boats Partner to Deliver Electric Center Console

Elco and Rock Proof Boats Partner to Deliver Electric Center Console


Electric vessel propulsion pioneer Elco and aluminum fishing boat building Rock Proof are partnering to create the 1760R center console, the first boat in the ePro series offering electric outboards. The factory-rigged 17-foot 1760R features an Elco EP-50RL electric outboard powered by23kWh lithium ion phosphate batteries, allowing the boat to top 25 mph with two anglers on board. Alternative Elco propulsion options are also available.

As an added bonus, the fully-rigged 1760R is in stock and ready for delivery, offering fully-loaded packages. “You can’t go anywhere right now and buy a boat and electric motor on a trailer, hook it up and go out tomorrow and fish all day,” says Brent Kauffman, Rock Proof Boats owner and founder. “With our new 1760R and Elco, we’ve made that happen.” 

“Our pursuit has always been to bring electric propulsion mainstream,” adds Elco sales director Dean Heinemann. “That requires an experience comparable to fossil fuel boats, but cleaner, easier and with reduced noise and vibration — all benefits a renewable power solution provides. With the new Rock Proof 1760R, that’s exactly what we can offer consumers today.”

The boat features an integrated 18-gallon live well and factory-installed options include trolling motors, power poles, jack plates, locking or open rod storage and a custom aluminum trailer. Features include dedicated battery storage and an integrated charging station.

“The 1760R may be an aluminum fishing boat, but don’t call it a jon boat. Fully welded inside and out, it features .125-thickness aluminum construction for exceptional durability. We run our channel from bow to stern to put the strength throughout the boat, not just every two feet running side-to-side like many competitors. It’s altogether a different, better design,” explains  Kauffman. 

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