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Cigarette To Celebrate 55th Anniversary At Big Thunder Marine-Produced Event This Weekend

Cigarette To Celebrate 55th Anniversary At Big Thunder Marine-Produced Event This Weekend

Starting today, owners of the Cigarette Racing Team center consoles of all vintage will descend on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the iconic brand. Big Thunder Marine, Cigarette’s official dealer at the popular waterway, is producing the Cigarette Owners Rendezvous event for the first time and has a welcoming agenda in store for the participants.

Fans of the Cigarette brand will enjoy the company’s 55th birthday party produced by Big Thunder Marine this weekend at Lake of the Ozarks. Photo courtesy/copyright of the Florida Powerboat Club

Some 80-plus Cigarette owners have registered so far. A meet-and-greet event is slated for the multi-location dealership’s Speed and Luxury Showroom in Lake Ozark. Big Thunder Marine general manager Jeremy Anderson, salesmen Ed Champion and Chad Franzen, and the rest of the dealership’s team are expecting more than 300 guests this weekend. The on-water activities will kick off with a multi-stop fun run on Friday based out the Camden on the Lake Resort host venue, which also is located in Lake Ozark.

Multi-time Cigarette owner Ron Szolack, who recently completed a waterfront home at the lake, will enjoy his new Cigarette 41 Nighthawk in tomorrow’s fun run. Szolack took delivery of the quad Mercury Racing V-10 400R outboard engine-powered center console yesterday.

Ron Szolack will have the newest Cigarette—a 41 Nighthawk center console—in the event.

“It’s a work of art,” Szolack said. “The fit and finish is as unreal as it was on my last one. The people at Cigarette do a great job.”

Saturday’s activities for the Cigarette faithful will include a “Barge-B-Q” raft-up and wake-surfing and E-foil lessons, according to Champion.

“We will close out the weekend event with a dinner celebration Saturday night at the Camden,” Champion said. “Working with the Cigarette and Mercury Racing teams, our staff really picked up the ball, ran with it and came up with some new ideas for Cigarette’s 55th anniversary extravaganza.”

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