Boost in 2024 Pollock TAC Approved For Gulf of Alaska

Federal fisheries managers have approved a total acceptable Gulf of Alaska harvest of pollock in 2024 of 195,720 metric tons, up from 156,578 metric tons in 2023.
For the Eastern Bering Sea, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council voted to keep the allowable catch of pollock at 1.3 metric tons.
Meanwhile, two major seafood processing companies have announced plans to bring two upscale vessels into the pollock A season in the Bering Sea in January.
Arctic Storm Management Group LLC, a fishing and processing firm based out of Seattle, is launching the 328-foot Arctic Fjord, the first pollock trawler built in the U.S. in over 30 years. The vessel, designed by Norway’s Kongsberg Maritime, and built in Louisiana by Thoma-Sea Marine Constructor, has been undergoing sea trials in the North Pacific Ocean.
The Arctic Fjord is replacing the company’s original ship of the same name, while joining three other vessels in Arctic Storm’s fleet in pursuit of pollock and whiting.
Another Seattle-based seafood processor, American Seafoods, plans to introduce into the pollock A season a processing vessel purchased in the summer of 2023 from Phoenix Processor Limited Partnership, also based in Seattle.
The American Empress II is the seventh owned and operated by American Seafoods. Its fleet also includes the American Dynasty, American Triumph, Katie Ann, Northern Eagle, Northern Jaeger and Ocean Rover.