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BAM Trail Super 60 Tour Kicks Off At Lake Don Pedro

BAM Trail Super 60 Tour Kicks Off At Lake Don Pedro

Randy Pierson Lake Don Pedro BAM Trail Super 60

Randy Pierson Lake Don Pedro BAM Trail Super 60The BAM Trail readies for the 2025 launch of the Bass Boat TechnologiesSuper 60 presented by Lake Don Pedro, Chicken Ranch Casino Resort and Tackle Warehouse with the first stop located in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of Central California blasting off for a bass battle that will pit 69 of the West’s best bass anglers in a three-day competition vying for the $50,000 grand prize.

As a frequent fisherman of Lake Don Pedro, Oakdale, Calif. angler and Chicken Ranch Casino Resort pro Randy Pierson feels the fishery will be in a transition phase.

“Right now, we’re in a full-blown winter pattern,” he said. “The long-range forecast shows air temps in the mid-70s, so things are going to change. For the tournament, I really think it will still be pre-spawn with some pre-spawn – mostly pre-spawn, getting ready to do their bedding thing; but I do think there will be some on beds.”

To Swimbait or Not to Swimbait

A recent bass tournament  BAM Tournament Trail Pro/Am resulted in a win that was noticeably absent of a favorite swimbait bite, Pierson expects that pattern to hold throughout the upcoming Super 60.

Randy Pierson fishing

Randy Pierson fishing “One thing with Don Pedro, when you get the amount of boats that have been on the lake, 80 to 100 boats, it kind of shuts down the swimbait fish,” he said. “That being said, some guys will always catch ‘em. There will probably be one or two; but it won’t be wide-open.”

Lake Don Pedro Predictions

Although he isn’t putting a lot of faith in many swimbait fish, he is expecting a double-digit or two to make an appearance.

“Not a teener, but a 10 for sure,” he said.

Regarding quantity vs. quality, also known as the keeper count vs. heaviest weight, which determines the Day Three field cut to the top-10, Pierson is open to both strategies.

“To be top-5 in weight, I really think it will take 15- to 16-pounds a day will get there,” he shared. “For number of keepers, that’s a wild card. I think 25 a day is probably a fair number.”

Making The Championship Sunday Cut

Pierson is a fan of the dual qualifying format; however, has not yet experienced it.

“For me, I am just going to go fishing where I think I can catch a lot of fish and have good ones mixed in and I’m going to let that dictate how I attack the rest of the tournament. The lake is fishing different than it normally does and I think that may be due to the fishing pressure with the other lakes being closed.

“I think this may be one of those cases where the guys that come in without any history on the lake come in and do really well,” he commented. “Maybe it’s a good thing that I have history on the lake; but I cannot let that dictate what I am going to do, and I can’t try to fish to many spots in one day.”

Chicken Ranch Casino Resort Awareness

As a Chicken Ranch Casino Resort pro angler, Pierson feels the partnership between BAM and the Chicken Ranch has put the resort on the fishing map. “It’s the perfect location for anglers fishing Don Pedro, Melones, and even McClure; so, I would think this would allow us to see more tournaments come up to the Mother Lode area with the capability for lodging.”

This premier televised event — presented by Lake Don Pedro, Tackle Warehouse, and Chicken Ranch Casino Resort — promises three days of thrilling competition for big bass and even bigger cash prizes.

Fans can meet the Super 60 Tour competitors at the Chicken Ranch Casino Resort Meet and Greet on Wednesday, March 26 from 3:00 to 5:30 PM and attend Tour events as scheduled in the below itinerary.

BAM Super 60 Tour Don Pedro Event Schedule

  • March 26: Public Meet and Greet at Chicken Ranch Casino Resort 3 to 5:30 PM
  • March 27 – 28: Full Field Competition Days
  • March 29: Top-10 Final Day
  • Location: Lake Don Pedro, California
  • Weigh-Ins: Daily at 3:00 PM (Fleming Meadows) – Open to the public
  • Title Sponsor: Bass Boat Technologies
  • Presented By: Lake Don Pedro, Tackle Warehouse, and Chicken Ranch Casino Resort

The BAM Don Pedro Pro-Am will feature 69 anglers battling on the legendary bass waters of Lake Don Pedro. Each afternoon, weigh-ins at Fleming Meadows will showcase the top catches of the day, bringing excitement as the leaderboard shifts. Fans and spectators are encouraged to attend and witness the Motherlode’s trophy bass being brought to the scales.

Media and Press Invitation

Media representatives are invited to cover the BAM Don Pedro Pro-Am, offering a wealth of story angles, live-action visuals, and exclusive interview opportunities. Whether capturing the pre-dawn boat launches, big weigh-ins, or interviewing top anglers, this event is a must for fishing media.

For press credentials, interviews, or additional media support, contact:
Mark Lassagne | 925-787-3474 |

Competition Schedule & Rules

Off-Limits: March 3, 2025, through the event competitors may not be on the water or gather outside information during this time.

Practice Days: There are no practice days for Super 60 events

Angler Check-in: March 26, 3:30–5:30 PM – At Chicken Ranch Casino Resort for the public Meet and Greet and profile pictures.

Angler Meeting: March 26, 6:30 PM – A mandatory meeting at Chicken Ranch Casino Resort will cover event rules, flight, and tournament details. Attendance is required.

Friday March 27 and Saturday angler compete in a hybrid format (keeper and weight) vying for a spot in the top ten where the weight is zeroed on the final day.

Field Cut on Saturday – Only the Top 10 Advance

Award the $500 Tackle Warehouse Contingency

After Saturday’s weigh-in, the Top 10 Pros will advance to Championship Sunday – Featuring BAM Super 60 Anglers competing for a $50,000 check.

  • 3:00 PM: BAM Don Pedro Super 60 Championship Weigh-In
    • Crown your first Super 60 champion
    • Bass Boat Technologies $500 contingency award
    • Top 10 Pros & Co-Anglers receive final payout


Official Lodging – Chicken Ranch Casino Resort
Anglers can book accommodations at using the special BAM Trail discount code. Staying at the official resort ensures easy access to check-ins, meetings, and post-event celebrations.

About the BAM Tournament Trail

The Bass Angler Magazine Tournament Trail (BAM Trail) offers an elite platform for anglers while providing exceptional media exposure for sponsors. The BAM Trail receives extensive coverage across:

  • Print and Digital Magazines – Featured in Bass Angler Magazine (BAM)
  • Web and Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more
  • Podcasts, emails & TV coverage – Exclusive content on Outdoor Action TV

BAM Tournament Trail

BAM Pro Tour – The West’s Premier Professional-Level Circuit
Pro-Am Series – Competitive Fishing at the Highest Level
Scholastic Series – Supporting Young Anglers and Future Pros
Kayak Series – Expanding the Competition to Grassroots Anglers

BAM Trail is honored to be associated with its title sponsor, Bass Boat Technologies, and presenting sponsor, Tackle Warehouse. The trail is also supported by Storquest, Chicken Ranch Resort, Bass Cat Boats, Ford Fairfield,,Power Pole, Mercury Outboards, Bridgford Foods, Bob’s Machine, Dakota Lithium, Sticky Graphics, Jean Deleonardi Real Estate,Valley Outdoors and our conservation sponsor Fisherman’s Warehouse.

The BAM TT tourism sponsors: Lake Don Pedro, City of Oakley, Lake Almanor Chamber, the Boardman Chamber, and the Feather River Tourism Association.

Tournament events include BAM Pro Tour, Pro-Am, Scholastic and a Kayak Tours with a no entry Championship can be viewed on YouTube.  Learn more here: BAM TRAIL, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Media / Advertising Contact Mark Lassagne 

BAM Trail Tourism sponsors:

#bamtrail #bassanglermag #bamprotour #DonPedroProAm #bassfishingtournament

Story By Jody Only

See more tournament news here

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Mark Lassagne


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