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BAM Scholastic Series – New Pilot Program

BAM Scholastic Series – New Pilot Program

Taking an innovative approach in enhancing high school student angling opportunities, BAM has redesigned its High School Division. Replacing the need for guardians to be boaters, and students having to find access to vessels, this format fills a void.

While it is limited to open Co-Angler Spots in BAM Pro/Am Events, it allows us to ensure each boat has a Co-Angler for the event creating a more evenly structured field in our tournaments.

BAM High School Co-Angler

Expectations on these students are the same standards set for all Co-Anglers which include: experience, ability to assist your Pro in fuel expenses, and a strong understanding of the rules and the Co Anglers Role which is to use the tournament as a learning experience.

The Angler of the Year Race for this format will also include a $25,000 Total Institutional Aid Scholarship per year for the Simpson University Bass Team.

Sign up for Don Pedro here

All rules for the BAM Scholastic High-School Series can be found here under High School Fishing-Co Angler Participation:…/2025/02/2025-BAM-Pro_Am-Rules.pdf

This format was tested with success at the BAM Pro/Am at Lake Shasta. The next event at Lake Don Pedro on February 28-March 1 is open for registration on our website.

A BAM Scholastic Membership is required for $35.

About BAM Tournament Trail

The Bass Angler Magazine Tournament Trail (BAM Trail) is an exclusive west coast pro level tournament circuit. BAM TT delivers multiple opportunities to showcase the talents of western anglers on several professional platforms.

As the BAM Trail continues to evolve it provides a platform of elite events for competitive anglers. The trail creates a logical avenue for sponsors to have direct contact with our West Coast anglers.

The BAM Trail is dedicated to creating a complete package of advertising opportunities including on-site activation, internet/social media, and a YouTube and TV series that reaches a large number of viewers each day.

BAM Trail is honored to be associated with its title sponsor, Bass Boat Technologies, and presenting sponsor, Tackle Warehouse. The trail is also supported by Storquest, Chicken Ranch Resort, Bass Cat Boats, Ford Fairfield,, Power Pole, Mercury Outboards, Bridgford Foods, Bob’s Machine, Dakota Lithium, Sticky Graphics, Jean Deleonardi Real Estate, Valley Outdoors and our conservation sponsor Fisherman’s Warehouse.

The BAM TT tourism sponsors: Lake Don Pedro, City of Oakley, Lake Almanor Chamber, the Boardman Chamber, and the Feather River Tourism Association.

Tournament events include BAM Pro Tour, Pro-Am, Scholastic and a Kayak Tours with a no entry Championship can be viewed on YouTube.  Learn more here: BAM TRAIL, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Media / Advertising Contact Mark Lassagne 

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See more tournament news here

#tacklewarehouse #bamtrail 

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Mark Lassagne


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