Bahamas Fling A ‘Proving Experience’ For New Shootout-Bound Mystic M5200

Bahamas Fling A ‘Proving Experience’ For New Shootout-Bound Mystic M5200

Equipped with a new interior layout that includes a longer cabin, the latest Mystic Powerboats M5200 center console will be front and center next week during the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout. Mystic founder John Cosker debuted his first M5200 model at the Central Missouri happening two years ago. Cosker and Greg Weber, the DeLand, Fla., company’s national sales manager, left the event with one boat sold and three sales pending. Their debut strategy worked.

Recently returned from leading a dozen boats through a Bahamas adventure, the latest Mystic M5200 will command attention at its Lake of the Ozarks debut next week. Photos courtesy/copyright Mystic Powerboats

But last time around, the 52-footer arrived at the lake fresh from its first sea-trial not far from Mystic’s DeLand headquarters. The latest build, on the other hand, recently returned from 10 days in the Bahamas as the lead boat for the Bahamas Fling, an annual summer event produced the Bahamian Ministry of Tourism.

“It was a fantastic trip and a real proving experience for the new 52, for sure,” Cosker said. “The trip proved to me that it is the ultimate Bahamas boat. It became kind of the ‘day trip’ boat for the other boat owners. A lot of them had never been to the Bahamas.”

John Cosker, who was joined by his wife, Robin, for the recent trip called the M5200 “the ultimate Bahamas boat.”

The 12-boat Bahamas Fling fleet ranged from a 55-foot Azimut yacht to a 26-foot World Cat.

“We ran 20 to 26 mph the whole time, but I got used to it,” Cosker said, then chuckled. “It was kind of neat to run at that pace.

“Best fuel mileage of my life,” he added, then laughed again.

To create extra length in the 52-footer’s cabin, Cosker borrowed space from the cockpit. But no one on board missed that real estate, he said.

“We got into a couple of big rainstorms during the Bahamas Blast,” he explained. “We had eight people in the two rows of bolsters, and everyone stayed perfectly dry.”

The Mystic M5200 became the “day-boat” for the recent Bahamas Fling.

Cosker is looking forward to showcasing the new M5200 for a larger and proven audience next week.

“We already have three sea trials scheduled,” he said. “Two of the first five M5200s went to buyers at the Lake of the Ozarks.”

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